Welcome! Introducing… Replace with your actual name, grade you teach, and subject! If you want to replace this picture with another awesome avatar, download the image pack at http://www.classdojo.com/share
Behavior expectations We will be working on developing specific behaviors and skills in the classroom this year, such as working hard, being respectful, and helping others. We are a team, so please help us reinforce these expectations at home! Include your school’s code of conduct or behavior policy. Replace “Best School Ever” with the name of your school ;)
We will be using ClassDojo to encourage these behaviors and skills, and to stay in touch! Delete this class list and replace it with a screenshot of your class list! Parents will see their kid and get excited. Screenshot on mac: command+shift+4 If you use Google Chrome you can use “awesome screenshot”: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/awesome-screenshot-captur/alelhddbbhepgpmgidjdcjakblofbmce?hl=en Screenshot on PC: download “Jing” for easy screenshots http://www.techsmith.com/download/jing/
How can ClassDojo help us? We’ll keep track of behaviors and skills at school Parents (that’s you!) can check out ClassDojo reports anytime We can keep in touch through ClassDojo Messaging
You’ll see some positive behaviors and skills… These are behaviors students are working towards. When a student is helping others, on task, participating, or using other positive skills, they will receive a Dojo point! If you have customized your behaviors, delete picture and replace it with a screenshot of your positive behaviors. Also mention any behaviors that are weighted more than others. Explain that you and your students have discussed and decided upon these behaviors together and emphasize how important they are in your classroom.
…and some to work on! These are behaviors we are working on! When a student doesn’t turn in homework, is off task, talks out of turn, they lose a Dojo point. If your student is losing Dojo points often, send me a ClassDojo message! We can chat about it. If you have customized your behaviors, delete picture and replace it with a screenshot of your “needs work” behaviors. Also mention any behaviors that are weighted more than others.
You will be able to see reports on these behaviors and skills every day!
We’ll be able to message each other, too!
Get the ClassDojo app now! Download “ClassDojo” from the app store on iOS or Android. It’s free Create a new account as a parent Enter your parent code (on handout) … and we’re instantly connected! Encourage parents to take out phones and download the app with you. Make sure to show parents where to find their parent code on the handout.
Try it out: I’ll send you a message now! Send out a whole class broadcast to parents!
Questions? Ask away! Encourage parents to ask questions about ClassDojo. Make sure they feel comfortable using it before they leave.