Monitoring and evaluation provisions of the proposed ESF+ (and CPR)


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Presentation transcript:

Monitoring and evaluation provisions of the proposed ESF+ (and CPR) Jeannette Monier DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit ESF evaluation partnership meeting, 13 June 2018, Athens

AGENDA What were the guiding principles for the shared management strand? What remains unchanged and what changes compared to the current rules?

What were the guiding principles? Stability Keep what adds value Simplification Changes to reduce burden while allowing for accountability and results orientation

Programming 1 general objective for ESF+ (ex-4 TO): a more social Europe 11 specific objectives Consistency and concentration General objectives: article 4 (1)(d) CPR Specific objectives article article 4 (1) ESF+ Consistency and concentration article 7 (1) ESF+ Earmarking article 7(3) (4) (5) ESF+ CSR article 7(2) ESF+ Innovation article 13 (4) ESF+

Programming Earmarking social inclusion, youth, material assistance, outermost regions Appropriate amount for addressing CSRs and Semester Increased co-financing for innovative actions General objectives: article 4 (1)(d) CPR Specific objectives article article 4 (1) ESF+ Consistency and concentration article 7 (1) ESF+ Earmarking article 7(3) (4) (5) ESF+ CSR article 7(2) ESF+ Innovation article 13 (4) ESF+

Programming No Ex-ante conditionality on statistical systems+result indicators Policy enabling conditions, continued application No more compulsory ex-ante evaluation (except Financial Instruments “ex-ante assessment”) Performance framework, milestones, final targets, method: article 12, 13 CPR FI article 52(3) CPR

Programming No more performance reserve, all programme indicators build the performance framework Milestones and final targets Method for target setting made available on request of COM Use of common indicators for target setting where possible Reprogramming after 5 Y for last 2 Y Performance framework, milestones, final targets, method: article 12, 13 CPR FI article 52(3) CPR

Reporting No more AIR, but annual performance review and final performance report Structured data 6 times a year (material deprivation only once) Commission is an advisor in the Monitoring Committee Reduction of burden, more up to date data Annual performance review article 36 CPR Data= costs and performance data article 37 CPR Advisor article 34 CPR

Material assistance FEAD integrated in ESF+ But proportionality maintained And some further reduction of reporting requirements Wuith derogations from CPR and psecific provisions in ESF+ part II chapter 3

Evaluation Evaluation plan Each evaluation by MS shall assess effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value Also impact evaluation by MS of each programme by 6/2029 All evaluations have to be published on a dedicated website of the MA Mid-term evaluation by the Commission by end 2024 Each evalujation article 39 (1) CPR Impact article 39 (2) Mid-term article 40 CPR