WHERE ARE WE? THE STATE OF DUAL CREDIT/ENROLLMENT IN MISSOURI Jude Kyoore Research Associate Missouri Department of Higher Education
National context Dual Credit Requires partnership between a school or district and IHE Courses offered can be academic or career/technical Students Earn credit by passing Students may or may not simultaneously earn high school credit Increasingly been promoted to all students Categories of dual credit courses Singleton Comprehensive Extensive Comprehensive Accelerated learning Opportunities that dates back to the
Statewide Policy New Youk and News Hamsphire
Postsecondary and/or Secondary Credit Earned
Dual credit Policy Eligibility Financing Transferability Ensuring quality
State Of Missouri “Dual credit refers to college level courses taught by high school instructors to high school students, who are earning both high school and college credit for these courses simultaneously”. CBHE “Dual enrollment refers to students concurrently enrolled at a high school and a postsecondary institution. Dual enrollment students may or may not earn high school credit for courses taken at the postsecondary institution”. CBHE
Count of Students Enrolled in Dual credit
Dual Credit: Enrolled in Missouri Public HEI
Research Objective To examine the effect of dual credit on college success using two different students outcome First semester GPA Retention ( Fall to Fall)
Data Participants, Missouri First time Residents who: Participated in dual credit program while in high school Successfully completed the college course while in high school (at least D) Excluded those who withdrew Enrolled in Missouri Public colleges within two years of high school graduation Non-Participants, Missouri First time Residents who Have never enrolled dual credit or dual enrollment program Enrolled in Missouri Public higher education institutions
Student Outcomes First Semester GPA(avg) 3.21 2.61 Participants Non-Participants First Semester GPA(avg) 3.21 2.61 Median Cumulative credits end of 1st sem 22 14 Cumulative GPA at the end of 2nd sem 3.31 2.71 Retention 97.1% 86.5% Number 24,035 80,122
Demographic Characteristics Participants Non-Participants Female 56.33% 53.00% White/Caucasians 86.61% 70.36% Black/African Americans 3.24% 13.92% Hispanics 2.79% 16.85% Asian/Pacific Islander 2.27% 8.28% Average Age 17.29 19.04 Total 24,035 80,122
Family Characteristics Participants Non-Participants Median Income $83,058 $45,358 Pell Eligible 35.71% 60.17% Neither Parent Completed college or beyond 23.54% 36.68% One Parent Completed college 33.91% 35.94 Both Parents completed College and Beyond 42.55% 27.38% Average Age 17.29 19.04 Total 24,035 80,122
Other characteristics Participants Non Participants Urban dwellers 57.51% 63.06% Private High School 9.95% 5.83% Average ACT score 24.67 21.4 Bright Flight 11.04% 2.35% Access Missouri 32.74% 31.55% A plus 13.44% 14.61%
This Project: An attempt to account for the differences in demographic characteristics and preexisting academic differences Address the concern that there may be unobserved preexisting differences between program participants and nonparticipants. Use a very large sample of students and may therefore be able to estimate program effects more precisely
Model 𝑌 𝑖 = 𝛼+ 𝛽 𝐷𝑢𝑎𝑙_𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑖 +𝛿 𝑆 𝑖 + 𝛿 𝑖 + 𝜀 𝑗 Where: 𝑌 𝑖 = 𝛼+ 𝛽 𝐷𝑢𝑎𝑙_𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑖 +𝛿 𝑆 𝑖 + 𝛿 𝑖 + 𝜀 𝑗 Where: 𝑌 𝑖 is the dependent variable ( First semester GPA, Fall to fall completion status) 𝛽 is the indicator for dual credit status 𝛿 is the control variables ( Female, White, Black, Hispanics, received Bright, total income) School fixed effect 𝜀 𝑗 is the error term
Results: First Semester GPA Model 1 Model2 Model3 Participants 0.0068*** 0.033824*** 0.0277*** Female 0.29584*** 0.2529*** White 0.19045*** 0.1765 Pell Eligible -0.19722*** -0.0964*** Private HS 0.07764*** 0.1299** Urban -0.10382*** 0.0521 Bright Flight 0.07222*** 0.1199** ACT Composite score 0.06436*** 0.0606*** School fixed effects No Yes Number 100048 55655 55613 R-Squared 0.06849 0.222 0.1812
Results: Retention(Fall to Fall) Model 1 Model2 Model3 Participant 0.1056*** 0.01299*** 1st Semester GPA 0.04589*** 2nd Semester GPA 0.01026*** Female -0.0036 -0.00364 Age -0.0059*** -0.00592*** Pell Eligible -0.0114*** -0.01142*** Bright Flight 0.0073*** 0.00148*** ACT comp Score -0.0017*** -0.00172 Zip code fixed effects No Yes Number 104,157 41057 53001 R-Squared 0.0202 0.05097 0.2334
Big takeaways Positive effect of dual credit on GPA Positive effect of dual credit on Retention Most likely that there will be a positive relationship between dual credit and completion
NEXT STEPS….. Continue to collect data on dual credit and dual enrollment from institutions Collaborate with other state agencies to evaluate other student outcomes Use other statistical techniques(eg Propensity Matching Score) to validate the results
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