Healthy Relationships for Youth Session 7


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy Relationships for Youth Session 7 LGBTQ+ Trivia Healthy Relationships for Youth Session 7

LGBTQ+ Trivia Disclaimer: This game is meant to be a fun way to test your knowledge of language related to the LGBTQ+ community and to maybe learn something new. It’s meant to be an intro and by no means includes all the terms and labels that are out there to describe people’s gender identity and sexual orientation!

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q1: A broad term that is inclusive of people who are not straight and/or cisgender. The word was used as discriminatory in the past, but has been reclaimed by those who identify with it. a) Queer b) Queen   c)  Non-heterosexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q1: A broad term that is inclusive of people who are not straight and/or cisgender. The word was used as discriminatory in the past, but has been reclaimed by those who identify with it. a) Queer b) Queen   c)  Non-heterosexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q2: A person who does not generally experience sexual attraction. a) Non-sexual b) Sensual attraction d) Asexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q2: A person who does not generally experience sexual attraction. a) Non-sexual b) Sensual attraction d) Asexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia  Q3: A person who identifies with the sex they were assigned at birth (Ex: Someone assigned female at birth still identifies as a women later in life) a) Transgender b) Cis-gender d) Non-binary

LGBTQ+ Trivia “CIS” means same!  Q3: A person whose gender identity “matches” the sex they were assigned at birth. (Ex: Someone assigned female at birth identifies as a women later in life) a) Transgender b) Cis-gender d) Non-binary

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q4: Originally a description for men who are attracted to other men, but now the term is also used to describe the wider community. a) Non-straight b) Gay c) Gender fluid

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q4: Originally a description for men who are attracted to other men, but now the term is also used to describe the wider community. a) Non-straight b) Gay c) Gender fluid

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q5: An umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity does not match their sex assigned at birth. Bisexual Gender non-conforming Transgender

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q5: An umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity does not match their sex assigned at birth. Bisexual Gender non-conforming Transgender

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q6: Refers broadly to Indigenous people who hold masculine and feminine spirits. This identity can be a sexual orientation, a gender identity, a cultural identity or a mix of these. Before colonization, ________ people were respected in many Indigenous communities and played valuable roles as educators, healers and leaders. Gender neutral Two-spirit Bi-gender

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q6: Refers broadly to Indigenous people who hold masculine and feminine spirits. This identity can be a sexual orientation, a gender identity, a cultural identity or a mix of these. Before colonization, ________ people were respected in many Indigenous communities and played valuable roles as educators, healers and leaders. Gender neutral Two-spirit Bi-gender

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q7: People who are capable of being attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. a) Demisexual b) Manysexual c) Pansexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q7: People who are capable of being attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. a) Demisexual b) Manysexual c) Pansexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q8: Someone who is attracted to two or more genders, or to their same gender and other genders. (Ex: a man who is attracted to men and women) a) Polyamorous b) Bisexual c)  Non-binary

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q8: Someone who is attracted to two or more genders, or to their same gender and other genders. (Ex: a man who is attracted to men and women) a) Polyamorous b) Bisexual c)  Non-binary

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q9: A woman who is primarily attracted to other women. a) Two-spirit b) Womanizer c) Lesbian

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q9: A woman who is primarily attracted to other women. a) Two-spirit b) Womanizer c) Lesbian

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q10: Discomfort, dislike or prejudice toward bisexual people or those perceived to be so. (ex: assuming that bi people are just “going through a phase”) a) Demiphobia b) Biphobia d) Bi-intolerance

Bi people exist and are valid! LGBTQ+ Trivia Bi people exist and are valid! Q10: Discomfort, dislike or prejudice toward bisexual people or those perceived to be so. (ex: assuming that bi people are just “going through a phase”) a) Demiphobia b) Biphobia d) Bi-intolerance

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q11: Someone whose sexual feelings are primarily for people of the same sex. While this term was once widely used, it is preferred less today. The terms LGBTQ+, gay, or queer are more commonly used terms for non-hetero communities. a) Homosexual b) Homosapian c) Same-sexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q11: Someone whose sexual feelings are primarily for people of the same sex. While this term was once widely used, it is preferred less today. The terms LGBTQ+, gay, or queer are more commonly used terms for non-hetero communities. a) Homosexual b) Homosapian c) Same-sexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q12:  Someone who is primarily attracted to people of the opposite sex, also referred to as straight. a) Heterosensual b) Heterosaurus d) Heterosexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q12:  Someone who is primarily attracted to people of the opposite sex, also referred to as straight. a) Heterosensual b) Heterosaurus d) Heterosexual

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q13: Discomfort, dislike or prejudice toward gay, lesbian or queer people or people who are perceived to be so. (ex: Using the term “gay” as an insult) a) Biphobia b) Intolerant c) Homophobia

Love is stronger than hate! LGBTQ+ Trivia Love is stronger than hate! Q13: Discomfort, dislike or prejudice toward gay, lesbian or queer people or people who are perceived to be so. (ex: Using the term “gay” as an insult) a) Biphobia b) Intolerant c) Homophobia

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q14: Discomfort, dislike or prejudice toward trans people. (ex: A cis-gender person feeling “tricked” and getting upset if they find out a trans person is trans.) a) Genderphobia b) Homophobia c) Transphobia

Genitalia does not equal gender! LGBTQ+ Trivia Genitalia does not equal gender! Q14: Discomfort, dislike or prejudice toward trans people. (ex: A cis-gender person feeling “tricked” and getting upset if they find out a trans person is trans.) a) Genderphobia b) Homophobia c) Transphobia

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q15: A bias towards heterosexuality or the exclusion of homosexuality. (Ex: assuming that all people are straight). a) Cisgenderism   b) Heterosexism c) Homosexism

You know what happens when you assume! LGBTQ+ Trivia You know what happens when you assume! Q15: A bias towards heterosexuality or the exclusion of homosexuality. (Ex: assuming that all people are straight). a) Cisgenderism   b) Heterosexism c) Homosexism

LGBTQ+ Trivia Q16: Someone who is unsure, or still in the process of figuring out their sexual orientation or gender identity. a) Confused b) Questioning c) Ally

LGBTQ+ Trivia Everybody at their own pace! Q16: Someone who is unsure, or still in the process of figuring out their sexual orientation or gender identity. a) Confused b) Questioning c) Ally

Didn’t know all the answers? No stress! Terms around gender and sexuality aren’t simple and are always changing and evolving! Here are some helpful tips: Accept the labels (or lack of labels) people use to describe themselves. Don’t assume you know someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation just by looking at them. Respect that gender and sexual orientation are fluid for some people and can change over time.