Flagging This presentation was prepared by Rich Lobdell for High Plains Power. The information herein is not intended to be complete in all aspects. HPP furnishes this material solely for use as one resource among many to be chosen when training individuals or employees. High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Introduction We will discuss: Flagging in Wyoming WYDOT requirements Flagging relevant to High Plains Power employees High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Agenda Attributes of a flagger Flagger PPE Flagger Equipment Traffic Control Devices Traffic Control Channeling Flagger Station Flagging Procedures High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Overview Important job Big responsibility knowledge vision weather traffic knowledge High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Attributes Patient Alert Respectful Firm Good Communicator Good physical condition Good physical appearance High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagger PPE Hard hat (chartreuse) Reflectorized vest (chartreuse) Proper shoes Proper clothing Suitable to the season Suitable to weather conditions Eye protection High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagger Equipment Stop/Slow paddle Flag Octagonal 18 inches in dimension STOP-red background with white letters SLOW-orange background with black letters Flag Orange or flourescent orange 18 inches square Solid material High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Traffic Control Devices Advance Warning Signs Minimum of 2 FLAGGER sign 36 by 36: 48 by 48 on Interstates Equipped with flags Orange or fluorescent orange 18 inches square High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Traffic Control Devices ….. BE PREPARED TO STOP sign 36 by 36: 48 by 48 on Interstates Equipped with flags Minimum of 2 Orange or fluorescent orange 18 inches square Informational signs Utility Work Ahead High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Traffic Control Devices ….. Channelizing devices Barricades Drums Cones Orange or fluorescent orange Retroreflectorized Minimum of 28” in height 3” from top – 6” Rr band – 2” – 4” Rr band High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Traffic Control Devices ….. Warning Lights Parking lights on pickups, diggers, bucket trucks, backhoes etc. Strobe lights High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Traffic Control Spacing Majority of HPP traffic control spacing Varies with type of roadway Urban Urban high speed Rural Interstate/Freeway/Expressway Majority of HPP traffic control spacing High Plains Power 2/17/2019
High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Channeling Channelizing devices Most common channelizing device Warn and alert drivers Guide and direct drivers Delineate work areas Most common channelizing device Traffic cone High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Transition Area Work Area Activity Area Buffer Area Transition Area Downstream Taper Lets traffic resume normal driving pattern Buffer Space Work Area Activity Area Buffer Area Transition Area Moves traffic out of its normal driving pattern Advance Warning Area Tells traffic what to expect ahead Shoulder Taper High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Channeling ….. Two lane, one way traffic Specific taper length requirements Width of offset Posted speed limit One lane, two way traffic taper 100 feet maximum taper length Use retroreflectorized cones for the shifting taper High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Station Location, location, location You must be visible, line of sight Hills Curves Vegetation Background Night time operations must be illuminated High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Station ….. Low speed urban areas Rural two lane roads 100 feet from work zone Rural two lane roads 500 feet from work zone Interstate highways 1000 feet from work zone High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Station ….. Stay out of moving traffic lane Stay away from workers and equipment Maintain separation from parked vehicles Use hand held radios if necessary Never leave your station until properly relieved High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Procedures Stopping Traffic Begin on shoulder of road STOP facing traffic Flag in left hand, not over the sign Make eye contact Move to near centerline when vehicle is stopped Brief explanation, be courteous Stay alert High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Procedures ….. Releasing Traffic Move back to shoulder Maintain eye contact Turn STOP sign to SLOW Signal with left hand High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Procedures ….. Hand Signals Stop Arm out, palm out Slow Palm down Move slowly up and down To move traffic Point in desired direction of travel Move slowly back and forth High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Procedures ….. Emergency Situations, STOP/SLOW sign not available Hand signals and flag may be used Failure to plan does not constitute an emergency WYDOT needs to be informed When working in the ROW When crossing State highway High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Procedures ….. Emergency vehicles Required to stop You must make accommodations Give information Special instructions Do whatever is possible to get them safely and quickly through the work zone High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Flagging Procedures ….. Drivers who refuse to follow directions Inform the driver they are violating the law Don’t argue Report license number and description of vehicle and circumstances to supervisor Protect yourself! High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Summary We’ve covered the basics of flagging Important job More involved traffic control will require more involved pre-job planning Important job Big responsibility To protect: Work zone workers Motoring public Yourself! High Plains Power 2/17/2019
Where to Get More Information Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices American Traffic Safety Services Association Wyoming Contractors Association Wyoming Department of Transportation High Plains Power 2/17/2019