Almost all energy on Earth comes from the sun. Energy Flow Almost all energy on Earth comes from the sun.
Sun Main energy source Photosynthesis
Producers Autotrophs Perform Photosynthesis or Chemosynthesis Bacteria Algae Plants
Photosynthesis Light energy into carbohydrates Produces O2
Chemosynthesis Use energy in chemical bonds to produce carbs Found – no light present
Consumers Acquire energy from others by eating AKA:Heterotrophs
Six Types of Consumer Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore Consumes other animals Consumes plants Omnivore Consumes both plants and animals
Six Types of Consumer Scavenger Decomposer Detritivore Breaks down Organic material Detritivore – feeds on dead plants Consumes dead and decaying organic matter
Energy Relationships
Environment producers consumers decomposers. Food Chains One-way energy flow Environment producers consumers decomposers.
E N R G Y Trophic Levels Producers- Autotrophs Secondary consumers Tertiary consumers- top carnivores Secondary consumers Primary consumers - Hetertrophs Producers- Autotrophs 12
Food Chains Series of steps in which organisms transfer energy from eating or being eaten Arrows point towards consumer
Food Web Network of complex interactions formed by feeding relationships among the various organisms in an ecosystem
How does energy move through a food web How does energy move through a food web? All the food chains in a habitat are put together in a food web to show how the food chains overlap. Energy starts with the sun, then goes to plants and then consumers. Amoeba sisters video in picture
Great Blue Heron Frog Crab Overharvesting depletes most of the crab population. What changes in this food chain?
What do the solid arrows represent? What do the dashed arrows represent? Can you trace a food chain from one of the producers to the bobcat? Why is a food web a more accurate representation of feeding relationships in an ecosystem than a food chain? Even though only one organism is shown in the food web, it represents all the individuals of the species.
Ecological Pyramids Shows the relative amount of energy contained within each trophic level in a food chain
Trophic Levels Trophic – Greek “trophe” Producers= 1st trophic level Food or nourishment Producers= 1st trophic level Consumers= 2nd level and higher
Trophic Levels Read from the bottom to the top of pyramid 1st trophic level- producers/autotrophs Ex: Plants 2nd trophic level- primary consumers Ex: Herbivores or omnivores 3rd trophic level- secondary consumers Carnivores or omnivores 4th + trophic levels- tertiary or quad consumers Ex: top predators- carnivores
Types of Pyramids “The 10% Rule” 1. Energy Pyramids 10% energy transferred up to next level as organisms feed on one another. The rest is lost as HEAT. “The 10% Rule”
Types of Pyramids 2. Biomass Pyramids Biomass – total amount of organic matter present in a trophic level
Number of organisms at each trophic level. Higher # at LOWER levels. Types of Pyramids 3. Pyramid of numbers Number of organisms at each trophic level. Higher # at LOWER levels.
Biomagnification Video on Marine mercury in picture
Biomagnification The process by which toxic substances accumulate at increasingly high concentrations in progressively higher trophic levels
Two Characteristics Non Biodegradable Fat soluble Accumulate in fat of body Bioaccumulation Stored energy is passed to higher trophic levels
DDT - Pesticide Dichloro – Diphenyl – Trichloroethane Use in WWII to control malaria After war – agricultural insecticide 1972 – Banned in US
Bald Eagle DDT affected offspring Affects not seen initially Caused by DDE (broken down DDT) Blocks calcium carbonate production Resulting in egg shell thinning Affects not seen initially
Shell Thinning