A History of Terrorism Mrstpierre.com
Terrorism the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims Even though it seems like a new word since September 11th, 2001 terrorism has been used a political and ideological tool for hundreds of years. Terrorism is a political strategy
Goals of Terrorism Use violence to usher in change for what is believed will be for the better. The use of violence in an attempt to have society return to its previous condition Use the media to influence and create fear among people and force political action
The Reign of Terror 1973 The French Revolution used terror to kill the enemies of Revolution and intimidate others into submission. The guillotine!
Terrorism and Religious Extremism Extremists: a person or group that has radical viewpoints and are willing to take actions that represent them. Fundamentalists: People who worship their religion and their texts as universal law. Religious groups throughout history have used terror tactics to attempt to create a religious state Ancient Hebrew were called Zealots Christians led violent Crusades, destroyed and plundered innocent victims in their attempt to conquer Holy Lands.
Extremists vs. Secularist Religion is Law Unwilling to change or compromise Believe violence solves problems Use religious texts as primary sources. Secular (religion is separate) Tolerant Progress with times Believe in political debate and compromise to bring about change Religion guides people lives
Internal Terrorism U.S. 1860’s The Sons of Liberty terrorized British soldiers by Tar and Feathering them
Internal Terrorism USA: 1860’s Abolitionist John Brown used terror tactics to intimidate pro-slavery settlers.
Internal Terrorists USA 1930’s-1960s The Klu Klux Klan was a religious extremist group against racial integration and even Catholics.
Summarize Terrorists groups rarely achieve long-term success because the support of the mass population is usually lost over time. People naturally favor moderation, compromise and change by political means Logic always prevails.