Church History AD33 Start of Church AD 590 Primacy of Bishop of Rome [Pope] AD 1054 The Great Schism AD 1517 The Protestant Reformation AD 20?? The Emergent Church
Emphasizes Minimizes Today Emphasize Importance of Doctrine The Emergent Church Emphasizes Minimizes Today Emphasize Importance of Doctrine
I. Jesus Christ The Builder of The Church Jesus and the church The early church Paul and church leadership
II. Doctrine In The Emerging Church Story 1 Story 2 Doctrine importance
III. Biblical Emphasis on Doctrine Doctrine is the substance of what is taught Doctrine is the act of teaching
IV. Baptist Emphasis on Doctrine B – biblical authority A – autonomy of the local church P – priesthood of all believers T – two offices I – individual soul liberty S – saved, baptized church membership T – two ordinances S – separation of church and state
V. The Emerging Church Seems to be an emerging church Remember scriptural warnings Doctrine should be important What ever emerges as the church, make sure you …