on Affordability and Efficiency (formerly Accenture Update) Ohio Task Force on Affordability and Efficiency (formerly Accenture Update) Board of Trustees February 19, 2016
We have merged the work of efficiency and affordability: Affordability & Efficiency Task Force merged with BGSU’s AROC/Accenture efforts We have merged the work of efficiency and affordability: BGSU – Accenture report/AROC Committees Governor’s Ohio Task Force on Affordability and Efficiency OBR Chancellor – Efficiency Advisory Committee 2
Task Force Recommendations Ohio Task Force Issued Recommendations in the following areas: Use of savings 5-year goals Strategic procurement Assets and operations Administrative cost reforms Textbook affordability Time to degree Duplicative programs Co-located campuses Policy reforms 3
BGSU Work Plan for FY2016 5% Student Cost Reduction Plan Board Approved at September 18, 2015 meeting Plan for low enrollment, low performing course/programs Board approval will be sought at February 19, 2016 5-Year Efficiency Goals – due July 1, 2016 Board approval will be sought at May or June 2016 meeting More details will be shared at future board meetings The following schedule contains estimates of savings to date. 4