These are the answers, what are the questions? 1. A technique that tries to work with nature to protect with the coast. 2. Hard coastlines. 3. To restore a natural look to the coastline and absorb the power of waves.
Soft Engineering Case-Study – Pevensey Bay The Pevensey Bay Beach Replenishment Project Suffolk Coast South England Using Soft Engineering Coastal Protection techniques to Hold the Line on a coast under threat.
Social, Environmental, Economic Why was soft engineering needed? Think: Social, Environmental, Economic
Reason 1 : Almost all of the 150 wooden groynes had deteriorated and either needed repair or replacement. Both would be very expensive and use a lot of hardwood – which isn’t a sustainable solution. They were removed in 2007.
Reason 2 : The beach environment has many valuable plant species and these needed to be protected and encouraged to thrive.
Reason 3 : There are many coastal homes looking out over the beach – and their protection, but also their views, needed preserving. There are 10,000 homes at risk in the village nearby, along with caravan parks next to the beach and rail links.
Beach Replenishment/ Nourishment Task: You work for the Council of East Sussex. Draw up a quick memo/proposal on how you deal with the damage on the Pevensey Bay coastline. What methods would you use and why? Technique 1 : Beach Replenishment/ Nourishment Sand and gravel is hoovered up by a dredger ship off the coast, and sprayed onto the lower beach at high tide. At low tide, bulldozers push the material up the beach to raise the height of the beach This takes place 3 times a year. Technique 2 : Beach Recycling There is strong Longshore Drift from West to East along the bay. This means that one end of a beach will have a large build-up of sand. This sand is collected and re-spread out using diggers and trucks. Technique 3 : Beach Re-profiling This means changing the gradient (slope) of the beach to the best one for absorbing the wave energy. Winter storms remove lots of the lower beach with their strong backwash. Bulldozers spread the sand evenly across the beach in Spring to create a more even slope– which is better at absorbing wave energy.
Describe how soft engineering methods are used to protect coastal areas/ Use an example you have studied. (6 marks + 3 SPaG)
Coastal Case Studies Homework Ventnor, Isle of Wight A couple of facts eg. When did it happen? How much did it cost? Etc. What happened? What were the advantages/disadvantages? Was it a success? Pevensey Bay, East Suffolk A couple of facts eg. When did it happen? How much did it cost? Etc. What happened? What were the advantages/disadvantages? Was it a success? Challenge: Make a fact file on Old Harry’s Rocks