Statistical data are needed to be used in the analysis of economic and social structures of countries. However, providing the same meaning among users and also in international areas requires that statistical data would be arranged on the base of certain standards.
Since we live in information age and the globalization has been aimed recently, communication of information users (who speak different languages or have different purposes) would be possible only with a common language constituted by means of classifications and codification systems.
The Turkish Statistical System is in the process of transition into European Union Classification System (derived and developed from international classification system) instead of international classifications that we have used for many years. So, it will be in accordance with both international classifications and European classifications, to ensure data comparability and at the same time to respond data requests at the national level.
Turkish Statistical Institution is responsible for coordinating the national statistical system, and one of main components of this coordination is to collect and present all the economic and social classifications at the international, EU and national levels on only one server to all the classification users.
Common usage of classifications on this server will serve to increase in the quality of statistics and at the same time it will be beneficial basis to establish a comparable statistical system.
Classification server is accessible to everyone Classification server is accessible to everyone. Anyone from public sector, private sector or households has the opportunity to reach to the codes related to their activities through being connected to the server.
In recent years, the Ministry of Finance has made providing NACE codes obligatory for entities and as a result it became unavoidable for entities to be trained about how to use the server. In the face of such a training need, various training courses have been organized under the leadership of TURKSTAT.
Moreover, to provide more detailed and clear NACE codes from entities, TURKSTAT has developed more than two thousand NACE Rev-2 hex codes.
One of the main problems faced by these entities in this detailed system is having failure in finding their own codes because of entering the wrong words while searching their own operating codes. At this point, they contact with the stuff of TURKSTAT and by the help of the stuff, the right code is being formed.
Another problem faced by the entities is being undecided about using the right operating code in case of operating in more than one sector. Also in such a case, the entities contact with the stuff of TURKSTAT and the problem is being solved by choosing the right operating code.
Some of the classifications used in TURKSTAT’s projects are shown below:
Annual Industrial Products (PRODCOM) Statistics Name of the Project NACE Rev.2 ISCO-08 ISCED-97 PRODTR 2010 PRODTR 2006 CPA 2002 CPA 2008 FOET-99 Annual Industrial Products (PRODCOM) Statistics * Innovation Survey Research and Development Activities Survey Annual Industry and Service Statistics Trade and Services Indices Building Construction Cost Index Producer Price Index Monthly Industrial Production Index Labour Cost Index Structure of Earnings Survey Income and Living Conditions Survey Continuing Vocational Training in Enterprises Results of Adult Education Survey Input-Output Tables
TURKSTAT has established a forum on the classification server TURKSTAT has established a forum on the classification server. Membership is required to login the forum. Forum is a platform that enables members of the system to discuss the related issues about statistical classifications. Forum members share the problems they couldn’t solve with the other members and the solutions are being searched.
Forum management is under the control of the classification group working in the central office of TURKSTAT. If any solution can’t be produced for the problem either by other members or the management of the forum, this problem is being handed up to the relevant department in EUROSTAT.
Thank you..