Tofuken variations
the tofucken
the tofucken tempeh stuffed in a tofu block marinaded in soy sauce wrapped in seitan
the veggieducken
the veggieducken sweet potatoes stuffed in leeks with vegetarian stuffing between each layer all stuffed inside a banana squash
the turducken
the turducken chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey *optional: breadcrumb, stuffing, bacon, sausage
the quaducant
the quaducant quail's breast meat stuffed in duck's breast meat stuffed in a deboned pheasant
the five bird roast
the five bird roast ingredients: 2 duck breast 2 duck leg 2 chicken breast 4 grouse breasts 4 pheasant breasts 6 partridge breasts 500g sausage meat 20 slices of parma ham
rôti sans pareil
rôti sans pareil a bustard stuffed with a turkey a goose a pheasant a chicken a duck a guinea fowl a teal a woodcock a partridge a plover, a lapwing, a quail, a thrush, a lark, an ortolan bunting, and a garden warbler
the stuffed camel
the stuffed camel sparrow stuffed inside a quail stuffed inside a grouse stuffed inside a chicken stuffed inside a turkey stuffed inside a goat stuffed inside a medium sized camel