Welcome to Year 6
Year 6 Team Miss Amy James Miss Aarti Patel Mrs Ann Lunniss Mrs Chris Salter Mrs Debra Lunniss
Skills based Curriculum Topic based learning: Literacy History D&T Ancient Greece Geography Numeracy Art Music ICT
Reading Please sign reading records every weekend and every time your child has read (daily) Every day, we will check reading records for reading and parent/guardian signatures and sign them ourselves Please ensure that your child reads every night (10 minutes). Learning key words and asking questions about the books that they are reading.
Literacy Areas of learning this term Spellings – test and new spellings to be given out on Friday Personal Spelling Dictionaries High quality writing at the end of each week Expectations of presentation Writing for a purpose – making links Guided Reading Grammar sessions within spelling sessions (GaPS)
Numeracy Areas of learning this term Mental maths tests Fundamental understanding of place value Real life problem solving Written and mental strategies Presentation of work To know by heart all the times tables up to x12.
Targets Your child will have a reading, writing and maths target each half term These aspects of English and maths will be highlighted in the teaching for that half term Targets will be sent home with your child. Please do not hesitate to ask if you would like help with supporting your child.
Homework Maths and English homework will be given weekly on a Friday It must be handed in by 9.00 am the following Thursday Work relating to the half term topic or during that week for English and maths when appropriate Weekly Spellings Times table practise Daily reading
Monday – PE and games kit Physical Education Monday – PE and games kit
Winter Games Kit PE Kit Plain tracksuit - no football kits White T-shirt Black or navy blue shorts Black pumps Winter Games Kit Plain tracksuit - no football kits Trainers
Enrichment activities A balance between education and extra curricula activities can provide your children with additional positive experiences. We have a range of after school clubs available including: CSE – Multi-skills sports club Borehamwood football club Girls and boys football club Table tennis club ( register your interest) Art club ( coming soon) Running club
Healthy Minds Water bottles – access all day Morning snack Healthy lunchboxes - certificate Healthy School Meals
Classroom Plan – Our Promises Developing independence – Responsibilities to take care of their own belongings, letters, homework and PE/ Games kit Spare homework and letters always available To ask for help whenever the children require it while remembering to foster independence.
Behaviour and Discipline Positive discipline Class Dojo Parental involvement
End of Key Stage Tests Date Activity Monday 13 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2 Tuesday 14 May English reading Wednesday 15 May Mathematics papers 1 and 2 Thursday 16 May Mathematics paper 3
Attendance and punctuality Please try to ensure your children arrive at school on time every day. If there is anything we can do to provide you with assistance in this matter, please let us know.
Thank You Thank you for attending and we look forward to getting to know you all! Any questions?