American Government and Organization PS1301 Wednesday, 3 March
Announcements Midterm next week Take Quiz in Chapter 6 John Kerry’s Super Tuesday
Ideology A package of ideas, a way of organizing one’s thinking about political issues and leaders. Anchored by core values that serve to structure other ideas
Liberal vs. conservative A core value that distinguishes them and influences their positions on a variety of issues is whether government should actively promote individual equality. Liberals favor active government intervention to promote equality of outcomes flat rate vs. regressive rate income tax vs. sales tax Conservatives believe that government should be limited to ensuring equality of opportunities in economic matter. In social matters, however, conservatives favor a more expansive role for government
Right vs. Left Direction comes from French political tradition Those who generally supported the policies of the monarch were seated to his right and those who proposed changes in the system were arranged to his left. At the extremes individuals are extremely dissatisfied and want revolutionary change
Distribution of Ideology over Time
Opinions about Government Spending Link to Figure 6.2 in the Text.
Opinions about Federal Spending Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Opinions about Federal Spending Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Opinions about Federal Spending Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Views of Ideological Groups Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Views of Groups by Ideology Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Views of Institutions by Ideology Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Views of Interest Groups Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Interpersonal Trust Source: American National Election Study (NES) 2002
Distribution over time
Who are the Liberals? Poor Low Education Low Strata Occupation Minority Urban Jew, Catholic Democrats
Who are the Conservatives? Wealthy High Education High Status Occupation White Suburban Protestant Republican
Minimum Wage
Homosexuals Serving in the Military
Ideology and Issues