Regionals 2018 Portland, Roseburg, Eugene, Pendleton, and Redmond
Agenda Introductions Housekeeping Announcements MC
Intended Outcomes As a result of attending this training, participants will Become more familiar with the essential program characteristics Increase their knowledge of career and technical education opportunities in your region, potential connections, and resources Learn about regional and local pre-employment transition services data trends in your region and pre-employment transition services activities for the coming year MC
Why; why focus on essential program characteristics, pre-employment transition services, and career and technical education? 2004 IDEA, consistent with Every Student Succeeds Act, called for the use of scientifically-based research interventions for children with disabilities 2014 WIOA, To increase, for individuals in the United States, particularly those individuals with barriers to employment, access to and opportunities for the employment, education, training, and support services they need to succeed in the labor market 2016 High School Success, an Oregon initiative to establish or expand programs in Career & Technical Education to improve high school graduates’ readiness for college and career CYA Best available research in secondary transition 2009: 16 in-school experiences that improve outcomes for students with disabilities 2015: 4 additional in-school experiences were identified High School Success The spirit of the measure was to provide funding to establish or expand programs in three specific areas: • Dropout Prevention • Career & Technical Education • College Level Education Opportunities Additionally, it is important to recognize that written inside the measure is how ODE is to evaluate the program. The intent of High School Success is to: • Improve student progress toward graduation beginning with grade 9 • Increase the graduation rates of high schools • Improve high school graduates’ readiness for college and career In order to meet the high expectations of the measure, certain eligibility requirements were established. The eligibility requirements are: • Teacher Collaboration Time around Data • Practices to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism • Equitable Assignment to Advanced Courses • Systems Ensuring On-time Graduation • Partnerships
What helps students be successful after leaving high school? CYA Brainstorm ideas
Interagency Collaboration Parental Involvement Career Awareness Self-Advocacy/ Self-Determination Goal Setting Interagency Collaboration Parental Involvement Career Awareness Social Skills Work Study Transition Program Inclusion in General Education Vocational Education (Career & Technology Education) Community Experiences Exit Exam Requirements / High School Diploma Status Parent Expectations CYA Goal Setting Travel Skills Youth Autonomy - self-governance, responsibility, independence, and decision-making. “Autonomy has special meaning during the pre-teen and teen years because it signifies that an adolescent is a unique, capable, independent person who depends less on parents and other adults” (NebGuide, G1449). Parent Expectations Youth Autonomy Program of Study Occupational Courses Student Support Self-Care/Independent Living Paid Employment/Work Experience
Transition Program CYA
How do you visualize transition? CYA
Transition Where students are going What they need to get there CYA
Transition High School Employment Education/Training Independent Living CYA
Adult Living Objectives Transition High School Employment Education/Training Independent Living Counseling on Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Related Services Instruction Adult Living Objectives Workplace Readiness Training Self-Advocacy Instruction Daily Living Skills Employment Objectives CYA Work-Based Learning Experiences Community Experiences Job Exploration Counseling
Transition Program CYA What makes a program – not a place; not location. Program - a planned series of future events, items, or performances. IEP = individualized education program
Program: a planned series of future events, items, or performances. CYA
Transition Program A transition program prepares students to move from secondary settings (e.g., middle school/high school) to adult-life, utilizing comprehensive transition planning and education that creates individualized opportunities, services, and supports to help students achieve their post-school goals in education/training, employment, and independent living. CYA Rowe, et al., 2014
Transition Program Transition Program YTP CYA
Essential Features describes the critical components of YTP sites. A collaborative partnership between the office of Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation, Oregon Department of Education, and the University of Oregon. The purpose of the YTP is to prepare youth with disabilities for employment or career related postsecondary education or training. Essential Features describes the critical components of YTP sites. Systems Change grant: changes in organizational culture, policies and procedures within individual organizations or across organizations that enhance or streamline access and reduce or eliminate barriers to needed services by a target population. CYA Systems change is defined as: changes in organizational culture, policies and procedures within individual organizations or across organizations that enhance or streamline access and reduce or eliminate barriers to needed services by a target population.
How do you know the in-school experiences are similar across classes, schools, districts, states… Essential Program Characteristics Common descriptors Unique implementation CYA Handout the 1 page EPC
Cornell Notes Terry – Cornell notes
CORE YTP TEAM SECONDARY YTP TEAM MEMBERS Essential Program Characteristic #1: Provide a systems-level infrastructure to monitor and guide students to obtain post-school goals. CORE YTP TEAM SECONDARY YTP TEAM MEMBERS Student Transition Specialist -TS Special Education Teacher Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor - VRC Administrator Teacher Parent Technical Assistant Provider - TAP Mental Health Transition Network Facilitator - TNF Brokerage or County DD A) Describe the number of youth in the school who meet the eligibility requirements for special education, the number you anticipate serving in YTP (i.e. “Student Base”), and number of potentially eligible students. Provide the basis for this estimate. B) Define Local YTP Team membership including their qualifications, roles, and responsibilities- including direct supervision for Transition Specialist and fiscal management specific to YTP. C) Describe the physical learning and work space (e.g. at the comprehensive high school; an “off campus” community transition location; shared office) to be utilized by YTP staff and participants. D) Describe the program start date, schedule for provision of YTP services, Transition Specialist’s schedule (days/hours per days) dedicated to YTP throughout the school year and during summer months. E) Describe how continuity of activities will be preserved during summer months. F) Describe how the needs of diverse and underserved student populations will be met within Pre-ETS and other YTP activities. CYA Infrastructure = basic physical and organizational structures, resources, and facilities (e.g., buildings, transportation, phone, office space, and supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. A system is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a cohesive conglomeration of interrelated and interdependent parts Systems-level: state, district, & school levels
Unplug Move Nap Socialize Take a Walk Stand up MC/cya Take a Walk Stand up The Scientifically-Backed Best Ways to Spend a 15-Minute Break - by Blake Thorne
Essential Program Characteristic #7 CORE YTP TEAM SECONDARY YTP TEAM MEMBERS Use interagency collaboration with clearly defined roles and responsibilities to provide coordinated transition services to assist students in meeting their postsecondary goals. Student Transition Specialist -TS Special Education Teacher Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor - VRC Administrator A) Describe how collaboration with Vocational Rehabilitation will be ensured, including how often, when, and where time between the Transition Specialist and Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor will be accomplished. B) Describe any other collaborations that will be solicited or enhanced to ensure success for participants and/or the program (e.g., TA Providers, local businesses, other adult agencies). Essential Program Characteristic 8 Monitor and assess students’ progress in the domains of academics, daily living, personal and social, and occupational. A) For example, describe the mechanisms used to assess and monitor participants’ mastery of self-determination/self-advocacy skills, work-related skills, including social skills. Jesse/Peter
Essential Program Characteristic #9 CORE YTP TEAM SECONDARY YTP TEAM MEMBERS Use multiple strength-based assessments across multiple domains at different points in time to assist student and IEP teams in post school planning. Student Transition Specialist -TS Special Education Teacher Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor – VRC Administrator A) Describe how participants’ individual needs will be assessed, using age-appropriate transition assessments, to determine needed transition services B) Describe how information from the assessments will be shared with VRC and used to determine Participant’s functional limitations and VR eligibility, and to develop the IPE. Essential Program Characteristic 10 Provide training and resources to families to involve them in transition planning and connect them to adult agencies and support and information networks. A) describe strategies used to inform participants and families about VR resources, including Pre-ETS, Information and Referral resources, and other adult services within the community that may provide limited or on-going supports to facilitate a participant’s obtaining and maintaining competitive integrated employment MJ/ Terry
Resuming at 1:30 MC
Career and Technical Education (CTE) MC introduce
Unplug Move Nap Socialize Take a Walk Stand up MC The Scientifically-Backed Best Ways to Spend a 15-Minute Break - by Blake Thorne Take a Walk Stand up
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) Toni DePeel Nicole Purdue CJ Webb MC introduce
Wrap-up Use best available research to develop, implement, and evaluate your program Learn about and use resources that will strengthen opportunities for students Use data to drive decisions Incorporate YTP Essential Features with Essential Program Characteristics Peter/Sally See the YTP Manual Handout of YTP Essental Features
Evaluation Name Badge Peter