Rome: Beginnings of the Empire Phase
Caesar’s Reign Retained the gov’t, but Caesar had full power Many Reforms; most notable calendar change Counsel for life (did not name himself dictator) Established a personal cult
Caesar’s death Appeared in the Senate Antony found out to late 60+ involved in the stabbing to death “People of Rome we are once again free!”Brutus
Aftermath of Caesar’s death Ironically destroyed the Republic Middle and Lower class masses enraged Left Octavian (nephew) as heir, Antony is perplexed Antony battled Brutus, while Octavian maneuvered politically
2nd Triumvirate forms Octavian, Antony, and Leopidus (Head of Caesar’s cavalry) Octavian controlled the west, Antony the east Mistrust and jealousy between rulers
Background of Marc Antony Loyal military commander of Caesar in Gaul Related to Caesar Supported Caesar continually in the war with Pompei Liked extravagances in private and public life
Background of Octavian Only 18 when uncle Julius Caesar was assassinated Many surprised Caesar named him to be heir Very politically astute
2nd Triumvirate Breaks apart Lepidus felt as a minor partner, tries to take Octavian's legions; fails Antony very annoyed with Octavian Octavian hand a strong hand over the western part of the empire Antony fails in Parthia War breaks out when 2nd triumvirate 5 year limit comes up
Antony and Cleopatra Cleopatra- Queen of Egypt (in alliance with Rome) Antony married to Octavian’s sister has affair with Cleopatra The two formed an alliance and break away parts of the eastern Roman Empire Back in Rome; Antony has a bad name- giving Roman territory to foreign queen, and cheating on Octavia
Octavian vs. Antony Octavian secured wide support from Romans in the west part of empire Antony had Egypt and parts of the Middle East Octavian won major victories Antony/Cleopatra chased back to Egypt Antony believe Cleopatra killed herself, so he killed himself Cleopatra still alive (was hiding), Antony dies in her arms
Reign of Caesar Augustus (Octavian) Made it look like the Senate was still in power Things only get done with Augustus approval or he does things himself Senate puts Augustus in full power- takes a lot titles, but stays away from monarch title
Reign of Augustus 2nd Part -Great expansion of territory -Sets up his family to retain power after he dies -Considered the greatest Roman Emperor: his titles live on till today (Kaisar, Tzar)
The Julio-Claudian Emperors
Julio- Claudian Emperors Mixed Results: Tiberius and Claudius good leaders Caligula and Nero- maniacs Survived several attempts to restore the republic and challenges from different divisions in the army and family
The Five Good Emperors- Height of the Roman Empire “If a man were called to fix the period in the history of the world during which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous, he would, without hesitation, name that which elapsed from the death of Domitian to the accession of Commodus” Edward Gibbon
The Five Good Emperors Emperors were chosen/adopted, and were intelligent and wise Good relations with the Senate Great public works projects Safety in Rome and Empire, Secure trade routes