Place Based Integration Kate Smith and Dave Hashdi Bolton Council
Vision, 2030 “stronger, cohesive, more confident communities in which people feel safe, welcome and connected”. The Vision is based on “place” values: engagement and empowerment of people & communities building community capacity/enabling community action developing strengths and assets
Changing the way we work… Vision 2030 sets out some challenges for the Bolton Family, and some factors that will be critical to our success, including: Working beyond traditional boundaries – places, and organisations Being clear about our priorities, what we can deliver and how we’ll deliver Engaging differently with local communities, so that we really understand priorities and opportunities Building skills, capacities and connections in communities, so that people can and do play more active roles
Place Based Integration: context GMCA established place based approaches as a key Public Service Reform strand Intended to support the management of demand for services in a neighbourhood Integrated teams work together to coordinate early help and therefore proactively manage need in an area. Two areas identified to test our approach: Halliwell Johnson Fold Estate
The approach Remove barriers and blockages Evidence based Flexible & integrated approach Community Strengths Converge with priorities- joining up the dots.. Understand the real issues Integrated Place Inclusive Growth Protecting the most vulnerable Reforming our services in Partnership
Johnson Fold Leadership: Bolton at Home with Council and voluntary sector Geography: up to 200 households supported Focus: Employment and debt as a route to unlock interdependent issues in families (health, family relationships, ASB) Principles: Flexible delivery model – holistic and asset based approach Maximising key assets: buildings (School; UCAN; Hope Centre) and people (ongoing engagement) Resource and agreement to work differently from key services – working better together & building capacity Evaluation: improved outcomes and cost benefit analysis
Halliwell Halliwell has a history of partnership working with some positive outcomes Yet health & social issues remain. Natural Neighbourhoods & ward boundaries… Analysis of ‘system conditions’ required if we are to make a difference. Need and demand data identified 3 ‘hot spot’ issues: housing standards, crime and fire What will be different this time? Agree approach, geography etc with key partners
Final Thoughts Learn as we go- we are testing key principles Engagement and empowerment of people & communities Building community capacity/enabling community action Developing strengths and assets Place based approach as a means to ignite community action?