How to say “No” politely in our daily life Zhou QingYang (Lily) Waka Miyamoto From Tokyo University of Science
Difficulty saying “No” politely Our Topic Difficulty saying “No” politely Stressful Let’s learn how to say “No” politely in our daily life!
but you don't have time to do that Being asked to help but you don't have time to do that
Why don’t you try to ask X(someone else)? Solution1 Why don’t you try to ask X(someone else)? Let your friend know you are busy at this time Hold on the request
How about we reconnect at X(time)? Solution2 How about we reconnect at X(time)? Let your friend know you are busy at this time Hold on the request
Your friend has already started on a project that you were supposed to work on together
Let me think about it first, Solution1 Thank you. Let me think about it first, and I’ll get back to you. Say “thank you” first. Make it a future opportunity
Solution2 Thank you. I like your idea, but I also have mine. How about we continue to prepare after we reconsider ours? Express your opinion Reconsider each other’s ideas
When you need to tell your friend what you really think Only e-mail/QQ/MSN only focus on business
I like your ~, but in my opinion…. Solution I like your ~, but in my opinion…. How about X (advice)? Tell the truth Give your friend advice
5-part formula for saying “NO” politely: Express your formal ideas politely. Make it a future opportunity. Say thank you. Encourage the person. Tell the truth and then give your advice. With your smile
It’s not easy to say “No” bravely compared to just going with the flow It’s not easy to say “No” bravely compared to just going with the flow . It may sometimes make us unable to get off the stage, but at least we can say to ourselves in front of the mirror afterwards: “You are right!”
Also We mustn’t feel guilty about saying “No”. It can save ourselves, and then a lot of trouble. Also You will be happy when you start doing it.
5-part formula for saying “NO” politely: Express your formal ideas politely. Make it a future opportunity. Say thank you. Encourage the person. Tell the truth and then give your advice. With your smile