??? “What’s the problem, and what can we leverage to fix it?” Intro Overview Two key questions for to help be more intentional in marketing efforts Example: How answering these questions has helped advance marketing efforts in Washington. Two key questions to marketing success Laura Johnson, Communications Coordinator 2018 NASCA Staff Idea Sharing Session
“Our marketing budget is huge! We just throw time and money at whatever marketing solution sounds fun, and — if it doesn’t work — no big deal.” - said by no conservation agency or conservation district ever
What’s the problem? 2
What’s the problem? If problem statement is too broad, how do we know which marketing options are worth our time and money? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
“General public needs to know who we are.” What’s the problem? “General public needs to know who we are.” ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
What’s the problem? “WA residents in urban/suburban areas (particularly new/future landowners) need to see value of our work.” 3
What can we leverage?
X What can we leverage? Identify internal assets / gaps Assets / gaps to addressing problem statement (can’t do this without a clear, defined problem statement)
X What can we leverage? Identify internal assets / gaps Hitch a ride with someone who can fill in gaps
What can we leverage? Assets: Great stories Great spokespeople Great product/ service Gaps: Limited time/money Limited ability to strategically plan, develop, distribute, and promote stories to priority audience 4
What can we leverage? Hitched a ride with…
What can we leverage? Hitched a ride with… www.wagrown.com
What can we leverage? Assets: Gaps: Same target audience Need stories Several funders already invested in show Tasked with planning, distributing, promoting and evaluating show Talented production crew Gaps: Need stories Seeking partners to financially support show ($5,000)
What’s the result? 5 min in $5000 = We get to pick story, location, spokespeople, key messages for 3.5 min segment that will air on Wa Grown and be provided to us to use as we wish. They shoot, edit, promote, track, etc…
What’s the result?
What’s the result? Reaching tens of thousands of households in urban/suburban areas across Washington (and soon even more across the nation!) on PBS channels. Note - re-runs
What’s the result? 55% of online viewers are between 25-44 yr/old Reaching thousands more online 55% of online viewers are between 25-44 yr/old
What’s the result? 6 min in https://vimeo.com/205970871 (3:35)
Answering key questions has helped advance other marketing efforts, too… 9
Thank you! Contact: Laura Johnson ljohnson@scc.wa.gov 360-407-6936 Communications Coordinator ljohnson@scc.wa.gov 360-407-6936