Practise the dialogue Mother: What’s the matter, Sally? You look unhappy? Sally: I have got a headache and I feel terrible. Mother: Oh! I’m really sorry.


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Presentation transcript:

Practise the dialogue Mother: What’s the matter, Sally? You look unhappy? Sally: I have got a headache and I feel terrible. Mother: Oh! I’m really sorry. Would you like me to take you a doctor? Sally: No, thank you. I have already taken an aspirin. ..... Mother: How do you feel now? Sally: I feel better.

Practise the dialogue Pam: I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat dad? Father: Yes, there is some chocolate cake. Pam: Wow! It’s great. It looks wonderful. Father: Would you like to taste it? Pam: Oh! Yes. Mmm...It tastes delicious.

Practise the dialogue Jack: We want to make a snowman in the garden,Nick. Will you join us? Nick: I am sorry, I can’t. Jack: Why not? Nick: The snow feels very cold and I forgot to wear my gloves today.

Now answer the questions about the dialogues What is the matter with Sally? How does Sally feel before taking an aspirin? What does Pam’s father offer her to eat? How does the chocolate cake taste? What do Jack and his friends want to do? Why can’t Nick join them? How does the snow feel? Sally has got a headache. She fells terrible before taking an aspirin. Pam’s father offers her to eat chocolate cake. The chocolate cake tastes delicious. Jack and his friends want to make a snowman. Because Nick forgot to wear his gloves. The snow feels cold.

Make sentences using the words in the boxes feel- - taste – smell - look happy – nice – delicious angry – hot - expensive The roses smell nice. The car looks expensive. The boy looks angry. The soup feels hot. The cake tastes/looks delicious. The girl looks happy.

Write sentences in the quotations as in the example. If you don’t like the perfume, you say: “____________________________”. It smells bad If you have got a head ache, you say: “______________________”. If you see a beautiful dress in a shop window, you say: “______________________”. If you don’t like the meal, you say: “________________________________”. If you eat a chocolate cake, you say: “______________________”. If you see a fast car in the street, you say: “______________________”. I feel terrible It looks beautiful It doesn’t taste good / It tastes awful It tastes delicious It looks wonderful

Answer these questions You passed your class. How do you feel? ______________________. Your father bought a new car. How does it look? ______________________. Your mother cooked pizza. How does it taste? ______________________. You have got some fresh flowers. How do they smell? ______________________. You wore your new suit. How does it look? ______________________. I feel happy It looks nice It tastes delicious They smell wonderful It looks beautiful

Read the passage Mrs Walter loves shopping. She usually goes shopping with her husband. Mr Walter buys what Mrs Walter wants. They are at the shopping centre which is near their house. Mrs Walter: Look at that dress, Joe! It looks beautiful, isn’t it? Mr Walter: Yes, dear. How much is it? Mrs Walter: It’s only 99 pounds. Mr Walter: Really? Very cheap! Mrs Walter: Let’s buy it, dear. They buy the dress and go to other shops. Mrs Walter often stops and says “Joe,it looks nice. Shall we buy it? And he answers,”Yes, dear. How much is it?” After some time, they feel tired and want to have a rest. Mr Walter: Shall we have some coffee at this cafe, dear? It smells very nice. Mrs Walter: Oh! That’s a good idea. After the coffee break, they go on shopping until 9:00 in the evening. Mr Walter is carrying a lot of packets. On their way home Mrs Walter notices the moon in the sky and says “Look at the moon Joe. It looks wonderful. Mr Walter thinks that his wife wants to buy another dress and says “All right, dear. How much is it?

Answer the questions about the passage Who does Mrs Walter usually go shopping with? What does Mrs Walter often do during the shopping? Is the dress which Mrs Walter likes really cheap? Does her husband buy what she wants? Where do they want to have a rest? What smells nice? What do they do after the break? What does Mrs Walter notice on their way home? How does the moon look? Does Mr Walter really understand what Mrs Walter says? Mrs Walter usually goes shopping with her husband. Mrs Walter often stops and says “Joe, it looks nice. Shall we buy it?” No, it isn’t really cheap. Yes, he buys what she wants. They want to have a rest at a cafe. Coffee smells nice. They go on shopping after the break. Mrs Walter notices the moon in the sky. It looks wonderful. No, he doesn’t understand want his wife says. He thinks that his wife wants to buy another dress.

Practise the dialogue Sally: Hello, I’m Sally Brown. I’m a reporter and this is “The Natural World” programme. I’m talking to Robert who is a member of Green Peace Research Society. He has some exciting news. Hello, Robert. Robert: Hello. Sally: So, what’s the exciting news? Robert: Well, early this morning I got a message from a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. They found a strange creature in the sea yesterday. I’m going out there to study it. Sally: A strange creature? What is it? Robert: I think it is a very big sea monster. Sally: Oh! How exciting it is! How large is it? Robert: It’s about 35 metres long and 190 tonnes weight. Sally: Thirty-five metres long? It’s incredible! Robert:Yes, it is. Sally: By the way, when are you leaving? Robert: At seven o’clock this evening. I’m going to pack my suitcase and the things which I need to research. Sally: What an interesting story! Thanks for the interview Robert, and good luck to you! Robert: Thanks, Sally. After I come back, I’ll give you some more information about it. Bye. Sally: Bye.

Now answer the questions about the dialogue Who is Sally? Who is she talking to? Who is Robert? What did Robert get early that morning? What did they find in the sea? How large is the monster? Why is Robert going to Atlantic Ocean? Sally is a reporter. She is talking to Robert. Robert is a member of Green Peace Research Society. Robert got a message from a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. They found a strange creature in the sea. It is thirty-five metres long. Robert is going to Atlantic Ocean to study the monster.

Match the pictures with the expressions ( ) 1. What an exciting cartoon! ( ) 2. What a lovely day! ( ) 3. What a difficult problem! ( ) 4. What a fast car! ( ) 5. What an expensive dress! b d e c a a.______________ What an expensive dress! b.______________ What an exciting cartoon! e.______________ c.______________ What a fast car! d.______________ What a lovely day! What a difficult problem!

Read the examples and do the same A: He’s a rich man. A: They are very beautiful flowers. B: What beautiful flowers! B: What a rich man! A: He’s a strong boy. B: ____________________. A: She is a lucky girl. B: ____________________. A: It’s a difficult question. B: ___________________. A: They are modern houses. B: ___________________. A: It’s an exciting story. B: ___________________. What a strong boy! What a lucky girl! What a difficult question! What modern houses! What an exciting story!

Complete the dialogue with the phrases given in the box enter the contest wonderful news a good song win the prize be successful agree with you George: What_________________! Who is singing it? Barbara: Tom is. He is going to enter the song contest next week. George: What________________! Is he preparing well for it? Barbara: Yes, he is practising hard at home every day. George: I hope he will_______________. Barbara: You know Sally is preparing for the contest, too. I think she will_________________. She’s taking private lessons. George: Really? Sally is studying hard. I’m sure she will ________________this year. Barbara: I_______________. a good song wonderful news win the prize enter the contest be successful agree with you