First Steps in a New Land Chapter 5 Early Explorers First Steps in a New Land Chapter 5
A. Columbus Sights a New World Columbus landed Oct 1492 in West Indies Claimed Central Amer., Mexico, most of South Amer. and Caribbean for Spain Second voyage back, established a colony on one of West Indies islands; base of operations for future explorations
B. New Spain Spanish soldiers, conquistadors, sought 3 G’s for Spain. 3G’s- Gold, God, and Glory Gold – wanted global wealth God – Catholic Church wanted to convert NA Glory – wanted fame and wealth for themselves
B. New Spain - continued The conquistadors defeated NA’s, made it possible for others build towns, lay roads, and develop farms and ranches. Friars, members of Catholic religious orders, helped convert Native Americans to the Catholic faith. Friars established religious outposts called missions.
C. Cortés Lands in Mexico Spring 1519, Hernán Cortés sailed from Cuba to eastern Mexico. Cortés persuaded Aztecs to rebel against their ruler. To control the city, Tenochtitlán , Cortés took the emperor, Moctezuma. The Aztecs rebelled and killed Moctezuma. Cortés renamed city Mexico City
D. Alvarez de Pineda Explores Texas In 1519, Alonso Alvarez de Pineda became the first European to explore and map the Texas coast. Stayed 40 days at the mouth of Rio Grande Died in NA uprising in 1520
E. Shipwrecked in Texas Pánfilo de Narváez led expedition between Florida and Mexico in 1527 Expedition failed. A storm grounded Cabeza de Vaca and travelers on an island, Galveston. Karankawas built fires and brought food to the starving explorers. Karanakawas made de Vaca and black slave, Estevanico, shamans. Lived with NA for 6 yrs.
Original cover of the De Vaca journal.
F. France Challenges Spanish Claims French expedition leader - Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle August 1684 - four ships carrying about 280 colonists set sail for Louisiana. Missed Mississippi River by 400 miles One ship lost to pirates, 3 others lost in storms One ship ran ashore at Matagorda Bay, La Belle
G. French Flag Flies over Texas 1) La Salle and the colonists built a stockade 2) This outpost became known as Fort St. Louis and flew the French flag. 3) La Salle ordered some of the colonists to stay and defend the fort while he explored the area.
G. French Flag Flies over Texas 4) Overwork, poor food, and conflicts with the NA’s had claimed the lives of many of the French colonists. 5) La Salle turned to East Texas; colonists tired of him and killed him 6) Children left at Ft. St Louis were taken by Karankawas
G. French Flag Flies over Texas 7) Some from La Salle party stayed in East Texas; some found way to Quebec 8) Result of La Salle’s fort - it shifted the focus of Spanish interest from west Texas to the east Texas.