November 17, 2017 Language Arts Math Science Guidance Identifying beginning sounds Letters Pp and Qq (sound, letter recognition, handwriting, and sign language) Color word – pink Literature about Thanksgiving Journal Writing Math Calendar math Even and odd numbers Patterns (AB, AABB, AAB) Science Properties of Matter Guidance Using I-Care Language This week was all about Thanksgiving! We read great books and talked about what we are thankful for. Many students mentioned you and the things that you do for them. Full hearts over here in room 4! Today we concluded our Thanksgiving theme with our fun Turkey Trot activities. Thank you the parents who were able to come in and run the stations! Each center was turkey themed and practiced a language arts skill. We played a rhyming game, practiced our color words, tried listen for the beginning sounds in words, and we even spelled the word “turkey” in a dice game. Next week there is no school for the kindergarteners. I am really looking forward to sitting with you all and chatting about your child’s progress! Please bring back the white envelope to your conference so we can reuse it throughout the year. The week of Nov 27th: Monday: No School Tuesday (DAY 6) Science & Guidance Wednesday (DAY 1) Music Thursday (DAY 2) Library - Checkouts Friday (DAY 3) Art November 20, 21, 27 – Conferences No School November 22-24 – No School for Thanksgiving 610-240-2031