Thomas Forth Advisor to BMUB, Division KI I 6 European and International Climate Policy, New Market Mechanisms Options to Use the CDM in the Future Mechanisms Workshop 6 APCF Bangkok, 2017 DAY 1, December 13th, 2017
CDM – Basics Projects and Programmes Not embedded in domestic policies CERs transfered for national compliance of buying countries Public Purchase Programmes and Private Sector Completely dependend in international demand
CDM – Germany Expectations Stop with the end of CP2 (2020) Decisions have still to be taken CDM trade off with Article 6 PA Building in experiences of CDM and JI Core elements of Article 6.4 identified On this basis: CDM transition is an issue
Core elements as requirements for transition CDM - transition Core elements as requirements for transition Accounting and avoidance of Double Counting (Art. 6.2) Identification of mitigation activities in relation to NDC (Art. 6.5) Ensuring ambition and overall mitigation (Art. 6.1)
Which Elements of the CDM ? Ongoing Project Activities Issued CERs from pre2020 New CERs post2020 Crediting Periods Timelines Project and advanced approaches (PoA) Methodologies and (Stanstardized Baselines – SB) Additionality Test (AT) Governance and Institutions (EB, Panels)
CDM Transition: Processing Alternatives COP decision Automatic Transition of the Mechanisms Automatic Transition of Elements UN Body (Temporary / Article 6.4) Reassessment of Elements Reassesment of projects (Core Elements) Projects being allowed to register under Art. 6.4
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Thomas Forth Office: +49 30 18305 3668