Managerial psychology Course information
Course information Contact: Jiří Čeněk ÚSR FRRMS Mendelu
Course information Lectures and seminars combined Schedule: Mondays (13.00-15.50, Z28) + Wednesdays (13.00-15.50, Z28) 19.2. Course information, Lectures: 21.2., 26.2., 28.2., 5.3., 7.3., 12.3., 14.3., Exam: 19.3./21.3. + short assignment presentation Attendance: Not requested 100% → 2 points added to the results of the final exam 1 class missed → 1 point added NO REASON accepted for not coming and still getting bonus points (e.g. Excursions, JobChallenge, etc.)
Course information Exam: Scale: Combination of multiple-choice and open questions = 20 points 11 points required for passing (only 9 with full attendance!!) Scale: A 20 - 19 B 18 - 17 C 16 - 15 D 14 - 13 E 11 - 12 F less than 11
Course Information Requirements for passing Exam (min. E) Assignment (min. E) Exam/assignment ratio: 2:1 Example: Exam: 15p = D (+ 0p BONUS) Assignment: 20p = A = (D + D + A)/3 = (2,5 + 2,5 + 1)/3 = 6/3 = 2 = C
Course information Assignment Wikipedia article y/Assignment_information/
What to study All study materials here: The lecture slides will be updated Selected chapters: Woods, S. A. & West, M. A.: The psychology of work and organizations, Cengage learning EMEA, 2012. Greenberg, J. & Baron, R. A.: Behavior in organizations, Prentice Hall, 1997. Gibson, J. L. et al: Organizations: Behavior, structure, processes. McGraw-Hill, 2012. Study load: cca 1 week of work
Course information Lectures: Introduction and history Work-related stress Communication in organizations Teams and team-work Leadership Motivation CV + Letter of motivation