Welcome to Module 4 of the AEM Center’s Online Learning Series We’ll begin shortly Material is available for download at http://bit.ly/AEMModule4 To view closed captions: Click on the Closed Caption button in your Zoom controls Captions will appear along the bottom of your Zoom window when panelists start speaking
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Link to materials and a reminder about pre- and post-surveys If you just joined the webinar, material is available for download at http://bit.ly/AEMModule4 Please complete currently open module surveys: Post-survey for Module 3 Pre-survey for Module 4
Module 4: How to Find Specialized Formats of Print Materials Cynthia Curry, Director Luis Pérez, TA Specialist
Topics AIM & AEM Navigating Specialized Formats Determining the Need Selection of Formats Sources of Specialized Formats Supports for Use Tour of AEM Navigator Discussion of Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act Photo credit: Credit:typographymages on Pixabay, CCO License
Let’s Review Module 1 completers and experienced participants: How are AIM and AEM different? How are they the same? Share in the chat.
AIM (IDEA 04) Accessible Instructional Materials IDEA 04 requires state and local education agencies to ensure that printed textbooks and related core instructional materials are provided to learners with print disabilities in specialized formats in a timely manner. Legal requirement is placed on state and local education agencies. IDEA cannot place requirements on publishers.
AIM Becomes AEM in 2015 Definition expands from specialized formats to include digital materials and technologies. “Accessible educational materials” means print- and technology- based educational materials, including printed and electronic textbooks and related core materials that are required by SEAs and LEAs for use by all students, produced or rendered in accessible media, written and published primarily for use in early learning programs, elementary or secondary schools to support teaching and learning. CFDA 84.327Z, Footnote #10
AEM Includes AIM What IDEA says… AIM What is said in 2015… AEM “I” stands for Instructional – refers to IDEA and specialized formats of print materials What is said in 2015… AEM ”E” stands for Educational - print AND technology-based materials and technologies In general practice… AIM = AEM
In Other Words: All Together, One Last Time Accessible educational materials are designed or enhanced in a way that makes them usable by the widest possible range of student variability regardless of format (print, digital, graphical, audio, video) Content may be “born print” and require retrofitting This is the topic of Module 4 Content may be “born digital” but difficult or impossible to retrofit Content should be “born accessible”
What are specialized formats? Who needs them? Definition Determination of need
Specialized Formats of Print Materials (IDEA 04) Print materials converted to braille, large print, audio, or digital text Exactly the same information as the printed materials Only the presentation of the material is different Specialized formats are retrofitted versions of materials born print
Who needs specialized formats? A Team Decision Can the student access and learn from the print materials selected for use by all students in the curriculum? For example, See the text on the screen adequately? Hold and manipulate the material? Read for sufficient periods of time without fatiguing? Read with grade-level fluency and comprehension?
Team decides… This student can use standard print-based educational materials used across the curriculum by other students This student requires exactly the same content in one or more specialized formats. This student requires modified content or alternative material.
Under what law are people provided specialized formats? Section 121 of the Copyright Act Chafee Amendment of 1996 IDEA 2004 refers to Section 121
Navigating AEM: Specialized Formats A Four Step Process for Determining Need, Selection, Acquisition and Use AEM Center Tools: AEM Navigator
From your experience… What are some of the important considerations in the process of providing specialized formats - or any accommodation - to students who need them? Share in the chat.
A Four-Step Process Establish need for educational materials in accessible format(s). Select the format(s) needed by the student for independence, participation, and progress. Braille Large print Audio Digital text Acquire materials in a timely manner. Determine supports needed for effective use.
Sources of Specialized Formats: Accessible Media Producers (AMPs) Your state Instructional Materials Center (IMC)
Acquiring Materials from AMPs Follow the eligibility criteria provided by the AMP
NIMAS and the NIMAC: NIMAS National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) Provision of IDEA 04 Digital file format for publishers who get requests for specialized formats of print materials
NIMAS and the NIMAC: NIMAC National Instructional Materials Access Center Upon request, publishers deposit the NIMAS file of their materials in the NIMAC States and districts should have this as a requirement in contracts with publishers NIMAS files are downloaded from the NIMAC by state Authorized Users to be converted to student-ready files Finding your state’s Authorized User(s) is a Module 4 activity
Using Specialized Formats Once the student has the material in the format needed from the right source… Technology will be needed for the student to use specialized material in digital formats Tools available from The student’s current accommodations The AMP from which the material is acquired The school Training in use and instruction Student Teachers and related services personnel Parents and caregivers
Your Turn: Supports for Use What are some tools and strategies you have used to support students in the use of AEM? Share in the chat.
Demo: AEM Navigator A process facilitator to help educators, families, and students make decisions with and for an individual student. Not a screening or evaluation tool!
Changes Ahead? Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act
Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act Signed by the president on October 10, 2018 Obligates the U.S. as a participant in the Marrakesh Treaty Facilitates international cross-border dissemination of copyrighted works in accessible formats Results in changes to U.S Copyright Law, specifically Section 121 What does this mean for navigating AEM? Guidance from the AEM Center is under development!
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar Module 4 Office Hours To accommodate the holidays and our travel schedule, Module 4 is 9 weeks Week 6: Thu, January 10, 4 PM ET Week 8: Thu, January 24, 4 PM ET Module 5: How to Select Accessible Digital Materials February 6 – March 27 Kickoff: February 6, 4-5 PM ET
Link to Survey Evaluation Please take a moment to complete our evaluation https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AEM_Module4
Contact Information Cynthia Curry ccurry@cast.org @clcurry Luis Pérez lperez@cast.org @eyeonaxs
Disclaimer The contents of this webinar were developed under a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Education, #H327Z140001. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government, Project Officer, Tara Courchaine, Ed.D.