Group Learning Group learning can be a great way to present opportunities not available to solitary learners. Rachna
Traditional Teaching Moulding students into passive recipients of information transmitted. Making them highly dependent on teachers. Promoting rote learning. Acquiring abundant inert knowledge often difficult to apply.
Hypothesis Group learning influences student achievement.
Objectives To share prior experiences of meaningful and effective learning in groups. To recognize key factors that impact meaningful and effective learning in groups. To practice the Readiness Assurance Process. To identify key learning take-aways and make action plans for applying.
Group Learning Strategies Discussion Gaming Role play Simulation Projects Experiential activities
Intervention Opted for ‘Group learning’ for the benefit of the students.
Procedure Teacher taught the concept through traditional ‘Chalk & talk’ method. A pre-test was conducted and scores were recorded. The class was divided into groups. A sub topic was given to each group. Students conducted research on the given sub-topic . Discussions followed between the group members on their understanding. Each group shared its understanding with the class. A post-test was conducted. Pre & post tests data was analysed.
Group Learning
Documentation of Pre & Post Tests’ Results
Result of Pre-test
Result of Post-test 4% 17% 38%
Highlights of Intervention Involvement and interest of the students increased in the class room. Facilitated peer learning. The topics discussed in groups had better retention. Enhanced the communication skills and confidence level of the students
Findings Group learning had a positive impact on the students. Understanding of the topic was easily achieved. Thus proving the hypothesis correct.
Student Gains Construction of knowledge. Importance and relevance of team work. Confidence and Independence. Analytical and Synthesizing skills. Self learning skills.
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