TG Data - Inspire Usage Options


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Presentation transcript:

TG Data - Inspire Usage Options EEA, Copenhagen, 09/11/2017

INSPIRE Starting Point We are only concerned with publishing datasets related to MSFD reporting criteria (?) Not directly concerned with data capture and source data sets that may have been used (other than by lineage) INSPIRE is about interoperability of data. It does not prescribe scientific validity of the data, or make data more accurate or precise The methodology followed to create the data needs to be consistent to make interoperability meaningful.

Processing Levels Interpretation Level 4 Product Level 3 Geophysical Level 2 Raw Data Level 1 Raw Signal Level 0 Aggregation SR EEA Reporting (?) OF Emodnet / Copernicus EF Scientific val/cal Marine Environment Level 3 is typically comprised of 1..* Level 2 data

Inspire Themes and MSFD ReportinCtiteria Criterion Underlying datasets INSPIRE theme** D3C1-C2-C3 Population distribution of commercially-exploited fish and shellfish. SD D5C1* Nutrients concentrations in water OF D5C2* Chlorophyll a concentration D5C5* Concentration of dissolved oxygen D6C1 Spatial extent of loss of seabed SR or OF D6C2 Spatial extent of physical disturbances to seabed D6C3 Distribution of habitat adversely altered by physical disturbance HB D8C1* Contaminants concentrations in water, sediment or biota D8C3 Spatial extent of pollution events D9C1 Contaminants concentrations in seafood SR D10C1 Macro-litter amount in beaches D10C2 Micro-litter concentrations in water column and seabed D11C1 Distribution of impulsive noise events per year D11C2 Distribution of continuous low-frequency sound level D1C1 By-catch distribution D1C2-C5 Species distribution D1C6 Habitat distribution D6C4 Distribution of habitat loss D6C5 Distribution of habitat adversely altered D6C3, D1C6, D6C4, D6C5 D3C1-3, D1C1, D1C2-5 D5C1, D5C2, D5C5, D8C1, D10C2 D6C1, D6C2, D8C3, D10C1, D11C1, D11C2 D9C1

Habitats and Biotopes

Species Distribution

Oceanographic Geographical Features Emodnet / Copernicus

Sea Regions

Sea Regions

Key Relationships Between Themes Administrative units <<generalize>> Area management/restriction /regulation zones (includes CZM) Geographical grid systems Environmental monitoring facilities Can be Located In Located In Located In Captured By Property Of Defined by Can be Located In