SEO Report to WGISS Brian Killough CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) WGISS-46 Meeting October 22, 2018
COVE Tool Summary The CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) is a browser-based suite of tools for searching, analyzing, and visualizing actual and potential satellite sensor coverage. COVE is FREE and OPEN for anyone to use! There is a large international user base with 4000+ users in 2017. COVE includes 131 missions and is linked to several mission archives to get metadata and browse images for past acquired data: Landsat-5/7/8, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and CBERS-4. Coverage Analyzer and Data Browser: New tools for coverage assessments and scene data to support data ordering.
Coverage Analyzer Support for Landsat 5/7/8, Sentinel-1A/1B, Sentinel-2A and CBERS-4. Output using discretizations for Landsat WRS, Sentinel-2 tiles, and various Lat-Lon degrees (0.10, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0). Example Case: Ispra, Italy, August 3, 2018 Sentinel-2A, MSI Instrument - COVE query results - Table with scene info - Browse image
Data Browser Support for Landsat 5/7/8, Sentinel-1A/1B, Sentinel-2A, and CBERS-4 ... similar to Coverage Analyzer Filtering for cloud cover threshold (optical missions) Example Case: Italy, August 2018 Sentinel-2A, <50% cloudy - Table Output with scene information and browse images - Links to view the acquisition details, zoom into footprint on the map, and order the scene
Status and Future Plans The team has made a number of updates to the core COVE tool to improve security and enhance operating performance. Some of these changes have caused issues with a few features that will be resolved in the coming months. Links to archive databases are a constant issue, as things change on the data provider side. Current issues with S1 archive at ASF to be resolved in 6-8 weeks. Other issues with SPOT, Pleaides, Radarsat-2, ALOS, TerraSAR-X and ResourceSAT-2 will be resolved in the coming months. Adding a custom mission capability to support future mission concept studies Adding coverage and revisit performance calculation capabilities Adding cloud cover overlays derived from Landsat historical metadata (13 in total, 1 raw average, 12 monthly average files) Adding coincident calculations for both future predictions and historical archive data
Open Data Cube News New Africa Regional Data Cube deployed in May 2018 for 5 countries. Attended SatSummit in Washington on Sept 19-21. The world is interested in Data Cubes, ARD, COG formats and cloud computing. Continuing to expand our supply of Jupyter notebooks for data cube applications. Strong desire to use ”indexed” cloud-based satellite data with data cubes. Working on an ODC architecture framework and development of a Jupyter Hub ODC “Sandbox”
Under Review or Expressed Interest 49 countries in 20 months 9 6 34 Operational Under Development Under Review or Expressed Interest Operational: Australia, Colombia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Senegal
WGISS-SEO Collaborations Working with Lolanda Maggio (ESA) to develop an approach for an Open Source Software Inventory (database). The NASA team is investigating options. (CEOS Action FDA-10) Maintain and expand the connections from satellite mission archives to the COVE tool. Investigate approaches for taking advantage of USGS data hosted in the AWS cloud. Once in place, we could use help developing scripts that pre-process the data and build cubes for download.