Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Shutter speeds F-stops
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls ISO Shutter Speed Aperture
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls ISO is the sensitivity to light. In a digital camera, this is an ISO setting. In a film camera this is the film “speed” For your digital camera, we “measure” this sensitivity in terms of film speed
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls ISO is the sensitivity to light. An ISO of 800 or 400 is a “high” film speed that allows you to take photos in lower light situations. An ISO of 200, 100 or less is a “slower” film speed that can be used in situations with more light.
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Light entering a camera is controlled in two other ways: Shutter speed Aperture
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Shutter speed - the “shutter” allows light to enter the camera for a set amount of time. Aperture - the aperture controls “how much” light is allowed to enter.
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Shutter speed Usually measured as fractions: 1/250th of a second; displayed as 250 on the camera The higher the number, the less time the shutter is open and the less light enters the camera
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Aperture F-stops The lens opening The more narrow the opening (F22), the less light enters the camera The wider the opening (F1.8), the more light enters the camera
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Stopping action Blurring motion Creating deep or shallow depth of field
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Stopping action Choose a fast shutter speed 1/1000; 1/500 Compensate by using a wide aperture f2; f2.8
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Stopping action
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Stopping action
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Stopping action
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Blurring motion Choose a slow shutter speed 1/60; 1/30 Compensate by using a narrow aperture f22; f16
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Blurring motion
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Blurring motion
Panning – showing motion in background of moving objects. Put camera in manual mode Put focus in continuous mode; keep shutter pressed halfway down Set shutter speed low; 1/30th of a second to start Smooth motion is key PRACTICE Depress shutter while moving smoothly right, left, up or down
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Depth of Field is how much of the composition is in focus in front of and behind the object you are “focused on.”
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Depth of Field
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Depth of Field
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Depth of Field
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Depth of Field
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Depth of Field
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Deep depth of field (DOF) Small aperture (f22, f16) and compensate by using a slower shutter speed Shallow depth of field Wide aperture (f2, f2.8) and compensate by using a faster shutter speed
Visual Communication Creative Camera Controls Depth of Field is controlled by: Lens aperture Narrow aperture, deep DOF; wide aperture, shallow DOF Distance to subject The closer you are to the subject, the shallower the depth of field; the farther away you are, the deeper the DOF Focal length of lens Wide angle lens, deeper DOF; telephoto, shallower DOF
Photo guidelines For class and for TODAY Photos MUST be 300 dpi Photos MUST be tif format Photos MUST be CMYK color space
In PhotoShop you MUST: Enter name and cutline in File Info on the BASIC sheet on top, please!!