Surah Al-Lail In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful By the night when it envelops, by the day when it appears in glory, by Him who has created the male and the female, verily your endeavours are diverse. Then as for him who gives and fears Him, and testifies to the Good, to him We shall indeed make easy the path to ease.
And as for him who stints and is unheeding, and who belies the Good, to him we shall indeed make easy the path to hardship, and when he perished his substance will not avail him. Verily on Us is the guidance. And verily Ours is both the Hereafter and the present life. Wherefore I have warned you of a flaming Fire.
None shall roast therein except the most wretched, who denies and turns away. And the pious shall avoid it altogether, he who spends his substance that he may be cleansed, and who has no favour from any one to pay back, but only seeks the goodwill of his Lord the Most High. And soon he shall be well-pleased.
Lessons from Surah Al-Lail Night and day were created for man to distinguish the difference in spending their daily lives Night is the time for rest after working during the day Day is the time for man seeking life Orang yang bertaqwa akan dipermudahkan oleh Allah s.w.t. dalam mengerjakan perbuatan yang baik sehingga memperolehi kebahagiaan iaitu kebahagiaan di akhirat. The righteous will be at ease by Allah s.w.t. in doing good deeds to attain happiness in hereafter
Those who disobey Allah s.w.t. will be punished in the hereafter The wealth is attained by us will benefit if it is not used in the right way Man who are miser and always boastful are at a loss The pleasures that Allah is giving in the hereafter are far than the dunya
Reason Behind the Revelation Verses 17-19: Urwah narrated that these 3 verses are revealed in relation to Abu Bakar Siddiq r.a. who freed 7 slaves that became Muslims. They were abused by their masters. (Hadith narrated by Ibnu Abi Hatim)