Establishing and Maintaining a Positive School Culture MENA Teacher Summit Cheantel M. Adams, Ph.D.
School Culture School culture refers to the way teachers and other staff members work together and the set of beliefs, values, and assumptions they share. (ASCD, no date)
School Culture vs. Climate Culture Wins Every Time
School culture cannot be established by any one individual, it must be determined and delivered by a group.
School Culture Considerations Live your vision Embrace Social-Emotional Learning for teachers and students Foster a culture of resilience Communicate well — and often Recognize the awesome in your staff Recognize the awesome in your students: positive behavior interventions & supports Make your school’s brand + community members visible Remember that every positive word and action matters
References ASCD. (n.d.). School Culture and Climate - Videos, Articles, Resources [Video file]. Retrieved from and-climate-resources.aspx