5-b) 2012 Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources Strategic Co-ordination Group Brussels, 10 November 2010 Jacques DELSALLE European Commission DG Environment Water Unit (D1)
The Blueprint will: Assess the implementation and achievements of policies and measures in place to ensure the protection and availability of EU water resources Look forward at the evolving vulnerability of the water environment to assess the sufficiency of existing measures and tools, and evaluate potential new instruments to ensure a sustainable use of good quality water in the EU in the long term. The Blueprint will synthesise policy recommendations drawing from the evaluation exercise, and will be accompanied by a number of reports and new initiatives, including of a legislative nature if appropriate.
Link with on-going processes The Blueprint will include the 3 reviews foreseen for 2012 Assessment of river basin management plans Review of the Strategy for Water Scarcity and Droughts Review of the vulnerability of water and environmental resources to climate impacts and man-made pressures.
Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources Impact Assessment Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources « Fitness Check» EU water policy instruments Policy Options (e.g. Land-use management Economic instruments Eco-innovation) 2012 Blueprint To Safeguard EU Waters Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation A common assessment complementing SOER2010 Organic/Nutrient pollution, dangerous substances Hydromorphology / Sediments Water gap Disruption water cycle Droughts Floods Common cross-sectoral / cross-policy assessment (drivers, responses) Baseline, trends, uncertainty, scenarios. focus on ecosystem services Scenarios for ecosystem conditions & services Quantification of the benefits and cost of land-use measures. cost curves for water supply and demand curves geographical (RB) and sectoral level of detail effectiveness and affordability of economic instruments link between water and consumption (footprint/virtual water) boost innovation in the water sector “Fitness Test” EU Water policy framework Assessing: effectiveness of current policies need for further policies or measures necessary to strengthen the resilience of EU water policy Knowledge base Indicators, assessments WISE Implementation Policy instruments Regulation Economic instruments Soft instruments Costs and benefits inaction / action Implementation (Reporting, Infrigements)
Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources Driving Forces Responses Pressures State Impacts
Fitness Check New process part of EC smart regulation policy Systematic check that all EU laws meet their objectives in an efficient way. Water policy selected as a pilot area Objective: assess the effectiveness of the policy measures taken in achieving the objectives already agreed in the context of water policy identify whether any gap needs to be filled to deliver our environmental objectives more efficiently.
Policy options To be further identified as a result of the Outlook and the Fitness Check. To be mainstreamed into Europe 2020 priorities Potential areas: Demand management Improved water efficiency Spatial measures Eco-innovation etc.
Modus Operandi Stakeholder consultation Contracts Contribution from JRC, EEA and Research projects Other on-going processes