Agenda video Warm-up L6 hw corrections L7 hw questions? My favorite mistake Lesson 8 Exit card
Simplify. 1. −3 +21 6 - (2)3 2. [4 · (19 – 14)2] ÷ 20 Warm-up Simplify. 1. −3 +21 6 - (2)3 2. [4 · (19 – 14)2] ÷ 20
Lesson 6 hw corrections
Lesson 7 hw questions?
My favorite mistake Simplify. 5∙ (4+2) 𝟐 Answer: 5 x 𝟖 𝟐 5 x 64 320
Lesson 8: using unit analysis to convert measures Unit Analysis : a process for converting measures. Ex: An elephant can charge at speeds of about 25 miles per hour. How fast can an elephant charge in feet per hour?
Draw a 1 ft x 1 ft square and label it square A Draw a 1 ft x 1 ft square and label it square A. Draw a 12 in x 12 in square and label it square B.
What are the areas of squares A and B? Why is it necessary to multiply the unit ratio twice to convert square feet to square inches?
Now extend to 3-dimensions Draw a cube with dimensions of 1 yard and one with dimensions 3 feet. Use a unit ratio to convert the volume of the first cube into cubic feet.
Blain and her family are going on a vacation to England Blain and her family are going on a vacation to England. If the exchange rate of dollars to pounds is $1.98 = 1 British pound, what is the approximate value of Richie’s $300 in British pounds?
A can of spray-paint can spray 1000 cubic centimeters of paint per minute. How long would it take to empty a container that is 0.2 𝒎 𝟑 ?
What to do next? Exit Card with your name on it Lesson 8 Homework: A – D, #2 – 14 Evens *Due Friday*