Warm Up What is one of the Places in South America discussed before?
Life in High Altitudes and the Amazon River SOUTH AMERICA Life in High Altitudes and the Amazon River
Objective I will be able to explain the difficulties of life in higher altitudes and the importance of the Amazon River.
Life at Different Elevations With large portions of South America covered by dense rain forest and other parts filled with mountains, the people of South America have had to adapt to their surroundings.
Reading Time! Turn to pages 192 and 193.
With a Partner Complete the worksheet “Life at Different Elevations”.
Independently Complete the GeoActivity worksheet “Identify Altitude Zones in South America”.
The Amazon River The Amazon river is the second longest in the world and the largest by volume (amount of water) and has a great influence over life in northern South America.
Reading Time! Turn to pages 194 and 195.
With a Partner Complete the worksheet “The Amazon River”.
Independently Complete the GeoActivity worksheet “Compare the Amazon and Nile Rivers”.