Research and Plagiarism An Introduction
What is research… What is research? When do you research? In this class we will: Write papers Research topics Create web content
How to research… Where can we find sources for research? Books Internet News Interviews Academic Journals
A Guide to Finding Good Sources
Things to Look For Author Date Company/URL Origin News website Academic journal Blog Wikipedia
Good Source!
Not So Good…
Good Places to Look! Books Google Scholar Major News Websites Academic Journals
Plagiarism How to avoid it…
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is when someone takes someone else’s work and uses it without giving credit to the original person To avoid plagiarism, you need to CITE When speaking there is a very easy way to cite… “According to ___________,...” When you speak in this class, you will need to say where information came from.
Citing and Speaking Citing while speaking “According to CNN, family reunions between North and South Korea have not happened since 2015.” intl/index.html
Creating a good idea How to make a good statement…
How to make a good idea… Choose a topic Is it interesting to you? Is it easy to find information about? Research What information is available for that topic? Is it a recent topic or something in the news? Map out your ideas Introduction, body, conclusion Consider important points that you can talk about in research
Group Work – Research and Present In groups, choose a topic that you all find interesting or important for yourselves or humanity Research at least two sources about the topic On your poster board, make a list of five facts about your topic from the research that you found Also on your poster board, write a summary of the topic that answers the following questions: Why is it important to you? Should it be important to others? Why? How would this make someone a better person?
Final Exam – December 10, 2018 For your final exam, you will pick something that is interesting or motivating to you. This topic should be something that you can easily research and find information on. Furthermore, this topic should be one that you can easily talk about and discuss with someone. For your final, you will have a one-on-one conversation with the professor. Then the professor and you will have a conversation about that topic. The professor will ask you questions and about your opinion. Your opening remarks should have: Introduction, body, and conclusion Two minutes long In your conversation with the professor, you should be ready to: Answer questions Talk about your opinion Quote research Additionally, this should all be memorized without any notes. Finally, there will be a paper test over the grammar that we have covered for the second half of the class. This will be on December 12, 2018.