Ministry Site Profile (MSP) --The Church’s Resume
Four Parts to the Survey 1. Who We Are Now? A. Demographics, Budget, etc. Ex. How big our church is? Where it is located? B. Trends in the Community 2. Our Vision for Mission A. Ministry Site Characteristics (Who we are at Church) B. Purpose, Gifts, and Mission Priorities 3. Leadership Needs Top Five Ministry Tasks Top Five Priorities for the Church Focus Areas (Mutual Expectations) Congregation support for new Minister 4. Commentary and Reflection
Information Gathering Process 1. Fill Out Survey –DONE 2. Share Survey Results for MSP with Congregation– February 18, 2018 3. Gather additional feedback from congregation in Small Groups for MSP– February 25, 2018 4. Put together the information from the Survey and the Focus Groups – 3/12/2018 5. PPC Review the Survey Results and Approve –3/13/18 6. Call Committee Review the Survey Results -3/20/18 7. Submit to the ELCA Synod office -3/27/18
Results of the Survey: Who we are as a community? Formal and programmatic and less spontaneous Some short term goals, but not a solid long term plan We are more homogenous than diverse We prefer tired and true ideas over provoking and challenging ideas We perceive conflict as more destructive than constructive Our facilities are used by the community and not just us We are not well trained to minister outside our walls We focus on ideas and beliefs more than skills and action We participate in “some” , but not aggressively in Synod activities We focus on both biblical studies and contemporary issues
Results of the Survey: Top Five Ministry Tasks for the New Pastor Preaching/Worship Pastoral care and Visitation 2. Youth and family ministry 3. Music / worship/Arts 3. Building a sense of community 4. Children's ministry 5. Christian education 5. Ministry with Seniors
Results of the Survey Top Five Gifts Needed from New Pastor Help people develop their spiritual life Be an effective communicator 2. Be effect in working with youth 2. Have talents in the areas of music, arts , and writing 3. Be active in visitation of members and non-members 4. Be able to share leadership and work in a team 5. Be effective working with children 5. Build a sense of community with whom he/she works 5. Have a strong commitment and loyalty to the church
Results of the Survey Focus Areas for the New Pastor for the First Year Preaching/Worship Leadership (21) Balanced service with tradition, contemporary and christian rock , coupled with less rituals Strong music program at worship Inspiration sermons Work with youth and family ministry (19) Confirmation Senior classes Bible Studies (Small groups, Faith Groups) (13) Increase membership (10) Active in the community (inside and outside church) (7) Get to know individuals, families, seniors, and youth (7) Hospital visits and elderly care and visits (7) Listen to the needs of the congregation (7) Set Goals and Strategy (2)
Results of the Survey Top Ways We Will Support New Pastor Be Open to New Ideas (14) Volunteer (13) Pray (11) Be patient, good listener, and explain the church (10) Be Friendly and Welcoming (10) Attend Church (5) Help Financially (5) *One even said look for a new home
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