Digitising European businesses Introductory observations Alexander Riedl, alexander.riedl@ec.europa.eu Deputy Head of Unit, Digital Economy and Skills unit, DG CONNECT European Commission #DigitiseEU
Highly digitised companies across Europe The need for digitisation European companies are not making the most of all the opportunities digital has to offer Countries Size of Danish companies of Romanian companies of computing companies of metal products companies of SMEs of large enterprises Highly digitised companies across Europe 53% 8% 56% 6% 20% 58% Sector
Update on “Artificial Intelligence for Europe” The Digitising European Industry Strategy (2016) European companies are not making the most of all the opportunities digital has to offer Update on “Artificial Intelligence for Europe” Coordinated action plan with Member States: Adoption foreseen December 2018
Digital Innovation Hubs Digital Innovation Hubs support companies – in particular SMEs – and public organisations in their digital transformation
Achievements since 2016 European Catalogue (yellow pages) of Digital Innovation Hubs: Operational Hubs + Hubs in Preparation October 2018 €500 million EU funding for DIHs (2016-2020) A pan-European network of over 200 operational Digital Innovation Hubs 500 Start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps tested digital innovations in collaboration with more than 150 DIHs in 370 innovation experiments 13 EU countries included DIHs in national digitalisation strategies Coaching 60 potential Digital Innovation Hubs in regions with slower adoption of digital technologies - focus on EU13. … …
Why DIH support in the Digital Europe Programme - Reach SMEs beyond most innovative ones - Balanced regional coverage by DIHs - Align investments of regions, MS and EU - Scalable + sustainable business models for collaboration
Digital Skills of the Labour force do not have basic digital skills ICT jobs now 3.7% of total employment
Digital Skills of the Labour force Despite high levels of unemployment in Europe At least 400,000 vacancies for ICT specialists 40% of companies trying to recruit ICT specialists face difficulties
Skills & Jobs The EU in ACTION New Skills Agenda for Europe: To help low-skilled adults to acquire a minimum level of literacy, numeracy and digital skills Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition: To mobilise businesses, social partners and public authorities to improve digital skills "Digital Opportunity" scheme in 2018: A pilot project to provide cross-border traineeships for up to 6,000 students and recent graduates from all disciplines in 2018-2020 Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/digital-skills-jobs-coalition Digital Opportunity Scheme: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/digital-opportunity-traineeships-boosting-digital-skills-job
Digital Opportunity Traineeship (DOT)
Participative approach – Project Arbeit 2020 in Germany, supported by ESF Courtesy of https://www.arbeit2020.de/
Pilot Projects for upskilling SMEs https://makesmedigital.eu/
Thank you! alexander.riedl@ec.europa.eu @DigitalskillsEU