BEDROOM Tuesday Daily Monthly Annually Weekly Make up bed Clear away clutter Monthly Clean windows Organize closet Organize drawers Change scents Annually Clean carpet Weekly Change linen Wipe surfaces Vacuum floors Empty trash Clean mirrors Dust base boards One monthly chore
BATHROOM Sunday Daily Monthly Weekly Clean Sink Clear clutter Wipe toilet seat Monthly Organize cabinets Change toothbrushes Wash decorative towels/curtains Change scents Weekly Clean mirror Clean toilet Clean tub/shower Mop floor Empty trash Dust base board One Monthly Chore
KITCHEN Wednesday Daily Monthly Weekly Clean dishes Clean countertops Sweep floor Clear clutter Wipe countertops Monthly Clean trash can Clean refrigerator Clean windows Clean drapes Organize cabinets Weekly Clean countertops Disinfect sink Clean appliances Empty trash Mop floor Dust base boards One monthly chore
FAMILY/LIVING/DINING Saturday Daily Clear clutter Monthly Clean Windows Clear toys to go to the basement Change scents Annually Clean carpet Weekly Clean surfaces Dust baseboards Vacuum One monthly chore
BASEMENT Monday Weekly Monthly Annually Clear toys Clean surfaces Dust base boards Vacuum One monthly chore Monthly Organize cabinets Organize closet Organize chest Annually Clean carpet
FOYER/HALLWAY Friday Daily Monthly Weekly Sweep Clear clutter Polish floor Weekly Clear shoes Mop Vacuum mats Clean surfaces Clean mirror Change scents Dust base boards
DOG CAGE Monday/Thursday Daily Sweep around cage Clean bowls Twice a week Clean tray Clean cage Clean bedding Clean toys Clean mats
LAUNDRY Dog’s Laundry – Monday, Thursday Youngest son’s Luandry – Tuesday Master Bdrm Laundry – Wednesday Oldest son’s Laundry - Friday Weekly Sweep/mop Organize detergents Clean lint dispenser Clean surfaces Monthly Clean washing machine