Hierarchical Clustering 2019/2/17 Machine Learning Hierarchical Clustering Hierarchical Clustering J.-S. Roger Jang (張智星) CSIE Dept., National Taiwan University http://mirlab.org/jang jang@mirlab.org ... In this talk, we are going to apply two neural network controller design techniques to fuzzy controllers, and construct the so-called on-line adaptive neuro-fuzzy controllers for nonlinear control systems. We are going to use MATLAB, SIMULINK and Handle Graphics to demonstrate the concept. So you can also get a preview of some of the features of the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, or FLT, version 2.
Hierarchical Clustering 2019/2/17 Hierarchical Clustering Agglomerative clustering (bottom up) 1. Begin with n clusters; each containing one sample 2. Merge the most similar two clusters into one. 3. Repeat the previous step until done Divisive clustering (top down) 2019/2/17
Distance Functions (1/2) 2019/2/17 Distance Functions (1/2) Single-linkage algorithm (minimum method) Complete-linkage algorithm (maximum method) Average-linkage algorithm (average method) 2019/2/17
Distance Functions (2/2) 2019/2/17 Distance Functions (2/2) Ward’s method (minimum-variance method) d: the number of features m: data number of Ci plus Cj 2019/2/17
Hierarchical Clustering: Demo aggHierClusteringAnim.m Also known as the minimum spanning tree! 2019/2/17
Wafer Defect Pattern Analysis Original: After clustering: 2019/2/17