COE Sample
Question target – Vocabulary Example from In the Beginning Demonstrate your understanding of the term jutted used in the article. Use TBE to support your response. I believe that jutted means stuck out from. In the text the term is used to describe wagon tongues, and tongues are things that can be stuck out. It also compares these wagon tongues to broomsticks, tree-limbs, and other sorts of things that are used as baseball bats which are long and thin. That means that a part of the wagon that jutted out and held the horses reins would have to be long and thin and would probably stick out from the wagon to hold the reins.
Question target – Summary Example from Glues Summarize the article in your own words and be sure to include the main idea. Use TBE to support your answer. This article describes the different types of glues (animal or hide glue, polyvinyl or white glue, casein glue and urea formaldehyde or plastic resin glue) that might be used by a carpenter and what the best uses for each kind of glue are. For example, white glue is good for furniture, cabinets, and general interior woodwork while plastic resin glue is excellent for exterior woodwork. The article also gives safety tips for using glue, such as providing good ventilation and wearing protective goggles when required. The main idea is that glue is a useful tool for a carpenter and should be used according to manufacturers directions for quality and safety.
Question target – Compare/Contrast Compare and contrast two kinds of glue and describe the purposes for each. Use TBE to support your answer. Animal and white glue are both glues that can be used by carpenters when working on furniture. Animal glue has a long setting time, which makes it good when there is extra work to be done. White glue is different because it sets quickly. It is also clear when it dries which makes it good for interior woodwork that might be seen by people. Animal glue is not waterproof, so should probably not be used on anything that might get wet, like outdoor furniture.
Question Target – Evaluate Reasoning Did the poet make a good choice by leaving the classroom? Use TBE to support your answer. I believe the poet made a very good choice by leaving the classroom. While he was sitting in the lecture-room, he became tired and sick. He wanted to learn about the stars but thelearnd astronomer bored him with his proofs, figures,…charts, and diagrams. The poem indicates that he was tired and sick until he left (Till rising and gliding out). He leaves the boring lecture to go out into the mystical moist night-air and to look up in perfect silence at the stars. I think this means that he gets more out of looking at the stars themselves than by listening to the boring astronomer. If his purpose was to learn about the stars, I think he learned more by leaving and at least he didnt feel tired and sick anymore.