Book Trust Ordering Logistics
How do I place an order? $9 Order once per month, by the 15th The official deadline is the last day of each month at 10pm CT Book Trust Pays: Student Orders: $4 $7 $9 Students who do not spend their full $7 cannot share their extra money with their classmates.
How do I place an order? 1. Go to and navigate to reading club 2. Click “enter orders” 2. Click “Student Flyer Orders” tab
You must place orders in the “Student Flyer Orders” tab. How do I place an order? You must place orders in the “Student Flyer Orders” tab.
(Do this for each student) How do I place an order? Type in the following… 1. Student name 2. Item number 3. Click add (Do this for each student)
How do I place an order? 1. Orders will accumulate at the bottom. 2. Finished? Click “Review Cart”
1. Orders should only be in the “Student Flyer Order” section How do I place an order? 1. Orders should only be in the “Student Flyer Order” section 2. If you are redeeming bonus points, those orders will be in the “Your Teacher Order” section.
You will have to click “Continue Checkout” several times. How do I place an order? You will have to click “Continue Checkout” several times.
Complete your order using the “checks” payment method. How do I place an order? Complete your order using the “checks” payment method.
How do I place an order? How do you know if the order is complete? You should receive a confirmation email. Here is an example of a confirmation email.
Payment Timeline Book Trust will pay teacher orders the 15th of the month following your order. Ex: October orders will be paid by November 15.
Questions? Contact Book Trust at or 720-259-8050