Steps in accessing E-journals (Emerald & Ebscohost) Welcome to the Library E-resources tutorial guide Steps in accessing E-journals (Emerald & Ebscohost)
How to access KeMU Library E-resources 1. Using any browser (e.g. mozilla firefox/internet explorer/google chrome, type on the address bar. Then press “Enter” key on your keyboard
The KeMU Website (Home page) 2. Click on “Library website” link
KeMU Library Web page 3. Click on the link “E-books & E-journals access”
Log in to e-resources portal 1. Login to the library e-resources portal (enter your username & password and click “Login”) Note: For more details on how to login to library e-resources portal, refer to the slide on “Steps in logging into e- resources” To log in, do as follows Students; User Name: Use your student registration number (without — or / ) e.g. “bis1305232012” Password: Use your student portal password. Staff; User Name: Use your staff email (outlook) user ID e.g. “fredrick.onyango” Password: Use your staff PF number.
How to access E-Journals 2. Once logged in, click on “Ejournals” link
How to access Emerald Journals 3. On the list of subscribed e-journals, click on a database to access its journals e.g. “Emerald Journals” Note: The yellow text under each database gives a brief description of what it covers
How to access Emerald Journals 4. Type your search term or phrase or area of interest and click search.
Opening Emerald Journals Go through the list of results to identify relevant document. Click on PDF or HTML to access the selected document.
How to access Ebscohost Journals 3. On the list of subscribed e-journals, click on “Ebscohost Research Journals” Note: The yellow text under each database gives a brief description of what it covers
Ebscohost Research Journals 4. Click on either “EBSCOhost web” or “EBSCOhost Mobile” depending on how you are accessing the site. Note: Click here when using a computer Click here when using a tablet or mobile phone
Ebscohost Research Journals 5. Select a relevant or several relevant databases and click continue Note: Ebscohost database houses other databases hence one can select several databases that are relevant or a single database. Selecting all databases may slow down your search
Ebscohost Research Journals 6. Type your search terms (key words) on the search text box Note: Select the following fields to get maximum and relevant results; “Full text” to limit your search to only documents you have full access to “Published date” to limit your search to a given time period
Opening Ebscohost Research Journals Go through the results to identify a relevant journal Click on “pdf Full Text” or “EPUB Full Text” (if available) to open the document