Digital Innovation Hubs – An overview Parallel session in Agri-Food Working Committee Bilbao, 28 November 2018 Annita Kalpaka, Policy Analyst JRC Unit.


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Presentation transcript:

Digital Innovation Hubs – An overview Parallel session in Agri-Food Working Committee Bilbao, 28 November 2018 Annita Kalpaka, Policy Analyst JRC Unit B3, S3P

Topics DIH initiative S3 & DIH project in a nutshell DIHs in Digital Europe program

I. DIH Initiative

Digitising European Industry initiative (DEI) Digital transformation of industry New industrial revolution driven by new generations of digital technologies New ways to design, produce, commercialise and generate value from products and services To ensure long term competitiveness, European industry needs to seize fully and swiftly the digital opportunities

Existing National Initiatives for digitising industry across the EU Coherence, collective steer, co-ordination Monitoring actions at all levels: EU, MSs, regional and industrial Diffusion of Best Practices Pool investments Analysis of National Initiatives on Digitising Industry

What is a Digital Innovation Hub? Digital Innovation Hubs support companies – in particular SMEs – and public organisations in their digital transformation What is a Digital Innovation Hub?

Achievements since 2016 European Catalogue (yellow pages) of Digital Innovation Hubs: Operational Hubs + Hubs in Preparation October 2018 €500 million EU funding for Digital Innovation Hubs (2016-2020) A pan-European network of over 200 operational Digital Innovation Hubs 500 Start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps tested digital innovations in collaboration with more than 150 Digital Innovation Hubs in 370 innovation experiments  13 EU countries included Digital Innovation Hubs in national digitalisation strategies Coaching more than 60 potential Digital Innovation Hubs in regions with slower adoption of digital technologies, with focus on EU13.

II. S3 & DIH project in a nutshell

S3P-DIH project JRC B3 and DG CONNECT collaborate around 4 deliverables to support the strategy and the Digital Innovation Hubs, in particular on the connections between Smart Specialisation processes, regional growth, ICT, Smart Specialisation and Industrial Modernisation. D1 – DIH Catalogue tool of DIHs that provide digitalisation services and is hosted by the Smart Specialisation Platform webpage. The catalogue holds information on the DIH such as contact data, services, funding and more. D2 - Case studies identifying, documenting and diffusing good practices of DIH involved in developing and implementing Smart Specialisation Strategies, also mobilising a community of practitioners in collaboration. D3 - Mapping and analysis of DIH investment & collaboration patterns: analysis of DIH participation in FP7 and H2020 projects (what type of experiments they carry out) + comparison with data on Smart Specialisation priorities and regional innovation strengths + analysis of patterns of regional pre-conditions and services offered  regional DIHs embeddedness in networks and value chains. D4: Case studies of DIH strategies depending on socio economic contexts: a selected number of regions will be explored more in depth to better understand the connection between different forms of pre-conditions and the activities of the DIHs, and what successful approaches are, depending on the regional pre-conditions.

DIH Catalogue under S3P Repository with more than 400 hubs Hosted under the S3P 207 Fully Operational and 205 In Preparation DIHs (Oct.2018) Dynamically growing database It serves as a 'yellow pages of DIHs' in Europe Searchable tool through map, key words and categories of data

Criteria for fully operational DIHs Be part of a regional, national or European policy initiative to digitise the industry Be a non-profit organisation Have a physical presence in the region and present an updated website clearly explaining the DIHs’ activities and services provided related to the digital transformation of SMEs/Midcaps or industrial sectors currently insufficiently taking up digital technologies Have at least 3 examples of how the DIH has helped a company with their digital transformation, referring to publicly available information, identifying for each: Client profile Client needs Provided solution to meet the needs

Categories of data of DIHs Contact data Short description Organisational form Evolutionary stage Geographical scope Funding sources Partners Link to national or regional initiative for digitising industry Markets & Services Technological competences Service examples

Identifying synergies between RIS3 & DIHs 9

Conclusions Trust building – adequate support Adequate service delivery network Attractive services Multilevel governance Financing models Communication

III. DIHs in Digital Europe program

Digital Innovation Hubs in Digital Europe Digital Innovation Hubs will diffuse digital capacities – high performance computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital skills – across the economy enabling the digital transformation of industry and public sector

Joint support and co-investment

Digital Europe for Digital Innovation Hubs at a glance

Key Messages: DIH in Digital Europe

Further information Digital Innovation Hubs Brochure on Digitising European Industry Catalogue of Digital Innovation Hubs Digital Europe Programme

Thank you for the attention!