Staff Feedback to Amy Themes and Next Steps test
Most Progress in Division Strong collaboration and sense of teamwork across division Friendly, welcoming, always willing to help, cohesion Great communication and transparency “Great vibe,” culture, new format for division meetings, chat times, feel informed, open sharing of information Division structure makes sense and is working Career progression (equity review, job descriptions, future opportunities)
Most Progress in Division Aligned with Mayo Clinic priorities Feel appreciated, valued and supported Leadership team listens, strong advocates, fairness Stronger relationship with Marketing and Government Relations Implementation of staffing plan Great new hires, new administrative assistants New tools (DeskNet, content management, daily leads, comm plan template, etc.) Motivating, excellent work that makes a difference
Opportunities for Improvement Great teamwork within own team – want to know more about other teams and how to collaborate across teams Next steps: More team updates at division meetings/retreats More team-to-team meetings Would like to build stronger relationships with people I don’t work with every day and new staff Ask Fun Squad to focus on relationship building Incorporate into summer division retreat
Opportunities for Improvement Very connected as teleworker vs. don’t feel connected to teleworkers Next steps: Develop several standard video options to use for team and project meetings Create “welcoming environment” and “quiet spaces” for landing zones More cross-functional and cross-divisional opportunities Appoint formal groups with specific charges Enterprise approach to staffing crisis management, press call, social media monitoring
Opportunities for Improvement Too many tools, processes, information in too many places Next steps: Single digital resource as “single entry” for our work Continue to standardize, implement tools and processes; increasing sharing of content Focus on DeskNet, content management and coordination meetings Implement Executive Office process improvements
Opportunities for Improvement More focus on continuous improvement, learning organization Next steps: Communications Grand Rounds, continous improvement training, sharing After Action Reviews More professional development opportunities, stretch assignments Formal approach to professional development planning