Digital experiences with Moodle at Divine Word University A case study on student’s digital experiences with Moodle at Divine Word University Authors: Kimberly Kobal and Iwona Kolodziejczyk, PhD
Outline Where is Divine Word University (DWU)? Brief introduction about DWU Campus Elaborate on the purpose of the study Describe the methods used to conduct the survey Elaborate in detail the responses from the survey
Where is Divine Word University?
79 teaching staff for Undergraduate Programs Our teaching Staff: 79 teaching staff for Undergraduate Programs 6 teaching staff for Full-Time Masters course 8 teaching staff for Post Graduate Courses- Flexible mode Our students: 1586 Undergraduate Full-time students 8 Full-Time Masters students Indefinite Post Graduate students Moodle is used in DWU for the last 12 years. All staff and students have been trained. Undergraduate full-time students use Moodle for exams and accessing resources. Moodle is managed by the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT). CLT provides assistance to both staff and student in the effective use of Moodle We have 4 Faculties: Faculty of Business & Informatics Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty of Education
Purpose of the study To evaluate the extent of DWU student’s digital experiences. To explore how technology is used by DWU students to enhance their learning, with a special focus on the perception and use of Moodle.
Methods used Quantitative study Self-selection Data collection through online questionnaire prepared with Google form All full-time students enrolled in Moodle received an invitation to participate in the study with a link to the online questionnaire through email sent from the news forum in Moodle 149 responses received Invitation is still being circulated through this method
Responses from the survey (149) Gender Female – 56.4% (84) Male – 43.6% (65) Faculty FASS –30.2% (45) FBI – 37.6% (56) FMHS – 30.2% (45) FED – 2% (3) Level of study Year 1 – 33.6% (50) Year 2 – 30.2% (45) Year 3 – 18.1% (27) Year 4 – 16.8% (25) Masters – 1.3% (2)
Too simplistic - 9.4% - (14) Just fine - 89.3% - (133) Too complicated - 1.3% - (2)
Student can also Configure, Hide and/or dock blocks Student has the option to customize: Dashboard Profile page
Response for Q2 Yes- 61.7% - (92) No- 3.4% - (5) I have never used it- 34.9% - (52)
Q3 elaborated further Responses 3- Agree 2 – Unsure 1 - Disagree Responses 3- Agree 2 – Unsure 1 - Disagree 1 Moodle enables easy access to all course information 139 6 4 2 Moodle enables me to stay organized in managing my academic work 129 18 2 3 Moodle platform is user-friendly 125 19 5 I would like Moodle to be used more by my lecturers and tutors 122 25 Connectivity to Moodle server is good 107 21 Moodle enables easy management of course assessment 106 30 13 7 I rely on it to complete my coursework 100 8 Online feedback really helps me to improve 93 39 17 9 I enjoy using the collaborative features 92 50 10 Online assessments were delivered well 88 27 34 11 Online assessments were managed well 86 33 12 Online feedback is provided efficiently 73 31 45 It provides everything I need to succeed in my course 72 48 29
Q4 elaborated further Activities Frequency Weekly or more Activities Frequency Weekly or more Monthly or less Never 1. Find information online 119 26 1 2. Produce work in a digital format 102 23 22 3. Work online with others 60 50 34 4. Create a formal record of your learning 55 49 43 5. Use an educational game or simulation for learning 45 69 6. Use a polling device or online quiz to give answers in class 33 64
Q5 elaborated further Activities In all units In some units Never 1. File (resource files in formats: Word, PPT, PDF, etc.) 118 28 3 2. Quiz 97 46 6 3. Forum 87 49 13 4. Feedback 74 68 7 5. URL links to external resources 77 65 6. Turnitin Assignment 61 84 4 7. Database 43 55 51 8. Chat 45 57 47 9. Attendance 40 63 10. Workshop 9 35 105 11. Wiki 15 83 12. Choice 36 44 69 13. Glossary 20 14. Book (Moodle book is created as a resource) 38 56
Lessons learnt for Centre for Learning and Teaching More focused training to be conducted for the teaching staff on the use of the various functions offered in Moodle. Further training and mentoring for students on how to effectively use the different activities and resources in Moodle.