EUMETSAT CMR/CWIC Status Report CEOS WGISS-46 Meeting DLR Oberpfaffenhofen 22-24.10.2018 Uwe Voges (con terra GmbH)
EUMETSAT Collections provided to CMR/CWIC We updated the list of collections provided for CWIC (incl identifier, links to PN, CMR,…) Collections were tested and documented
EUMETSAT Collections provided to CMR/CWIC Most collections are already in CMR/IDN Some are yet missing: acronym.SL_2_WST___.satellite.S3A,S3B.tmls.NR.fileid.EO.EUM.DAT.SENTINEL-3.SL_2_WST___NRT acronym.SL_2_WST___.satellite.S3A,S3B.tmls.NT.fileid.EO.EUM.DAT.SENTINEL-3.SL_2_WST___NTC Some are declared wrong ...EO.EUM.DAT.MULT.GBLSIED In CMR: ...GBLSIE ...EO.EUM.DAT.MULT.GBLSITY In CMR: ...GBLSIT ...EO:EUM:DAT:MULT:GBL-LR-SIDR In CMR: ...GBL-LR-SID
Migration DIF9 -> DIF10 We´re using the XSD for DIF Version 10.2 b: 10_x_dif_v10_2 Important changes related to DIF9: Related_URL now mandatory DataCenter -> Organization Parameters -> Science_Keywords Ancillary_Keyword -> uncontrolled words or phrases used to further describe a data set Platform/Instrument Spatial_Coverage redefined Dataset_Progress (R), Project (R), Metadata_Dates (R) Few updates done after first DIF10 delivery (email M. Morohan 25.9): xml schema location added Changed <Organization> fields (e.g. for OSI SAF and EUMETSAT) Added for Platform/Instruments the LongNames. …
Provision of EUMETSAT Collection MD to CMR/CWIC Workflow for IDN/CWIC metadata (DIF10) provision at EUMETSAT: Assignment of EUMETSAT collections to CMR/CWIC We manage an Excel sheet (see before) where we list all collections assigned to CWIC (and FedEO). From time to time a review takes part: is collection list up to date, what has to be added or dropped. Tagging CWIC collections in New PN Aligned with Excel sheet we tag CWIC collections (see right) Export DIF-10 metadata for CWIC collections New PN Administrator provides a Metadata Export Function ..lets filter metadata for CWIC by providing the filter statement: useLimitation="CWIC…." Use eum2dif XSLT upon export Add collection identifier as options for parameter parentIdentifier to OSDD of CWIC/EOPOS adapter! (not yet automated) Send DIF-10 metadata to Michael Morohan :-)
EUMETSAT Collections for CMR/CWIC Search is possible on all collections stored in CMR/IDN Problem: e.g. the maximal temporal extent where products are available could only be requested via the collection MD
EUMETSAT OpenSearch-EO (1.1) Interface - OSDD OpenSearch-EOP interface adapted to V 1.1 (backwards compatible!) OSDD (minor changes): shortName max 16 chars query example: minimal mandatory parameters included added CEOS-OS-BP-V1.1/L1 Tags-Element
EUMETSAT OpenSearch-EO (1.1) Interface - Request Search Operation Treat as equivalent: optional parameter left empty (key present but value absent) key/value pair for the optional parameter removed (both key and value are absent) Exceptions codes aligned with OpenSearch-EO 1.1 Request use startIndex over startPage all string based search parameters follow the default behavior: "exact search“ Examples: 04T00:00:00Z&pI=urn:ogc:def:EOP:EUM:acronym:OAS025:fileid:EO:EU M:DAT:METOP:OAS025&dtend=2015-09-06T15:00:00Z,10.00,- 20.00,13.00&dtstart=2015-09- 04T00:00:00Z&pI=urn:ogc:def:EOP:EUM:acronym:OAS025:fileid:EO:EU M:DAT:METOP:OAS025&dtend=2015-09-06T00:00:00Z&c=2
EUMETSAT OpenSearch-EO (1.1) Interface - Response Feed added SpecReference to atom:feed georss:box query example: all mandatory parameters included (TBD) ! Here we had a problem with not closing a gml:LinearRing -> removed ! Entry: type (genre) of the entry (here: GeoRSS Simple” (Polygon) csw:GetRepositoryItemResponse OGC EOP O&M (10-157) ATOM entry of dataset (aka collection) EUMETSAT USC Order Client EUMETSAT EO Download Service
Testing EUMETSAT EOPOS with CWIC Smart Client Testing with CWIC Smart Client not more possible: Added OSDD endpoint, e.g.: description Not more possible as a collec- tion endpoint is needed ? I also tried: pn-adapter/os-description.xml Doesn´t work..
Questions, future developments Are the CWIC OpenSearch Adapters updated to OGC OpenSearch-EOP 1.1 : 13-026r9: offerings, GeoRSS Simple, error codes, links, parameters, ranges & sets, … Are there plans on using GeoJSON binding ? Prospects for further developements When OLDA becomes operational -> OLDA collections may be provided via separate OpenSearch endpoint Currently only one collection overlapping (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:GLB-SST) -> s. EUMETSAT Collections for CWIC_IDN and FEDEO V3_1.xlsx
EUMETSAT OpenSearch (EOPOS) Interfaces OSDD / URL templates: HE – pre-testing: OSDD: URL Template: umarf/servlet/eopos?pi={eop:parentIdentifier}&pw={startPage?}&si={startIndex?}&c={count?}&bbox={ geo:box?}&dtstart={time:start?}&dtend={time:end}&iqd={eop:productQualityStatus?} Sample: 04T00:00:00Z&pI=urn:ogc:def:EOP:EUM:acronym:ASCSMR02:fileid:EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO12&dtend=2016-09- 15T00:00:00Z VAL/OPE – testing/operationell: OSDD: http://(v) URL Template: https://(v){eop:parentIdentifier}&pw={startPage?}& si={startIndex?}&c={count?}&bbox={geo:box?}&dtstart={time:start?}&dtend={time:end}&iqd={eo p:productQualityStatus?}" Sample: http://(v) 04T00:00:00Z&pI=urn:ogc:def:EOP:EUM:acronym:OASW012:fileid:EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCAT12&dtend=2010-08- 11T15:00:00Z