Coming What does Advent mean? Think about what Jesus wants us to do The Word Advent means We prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus into our world It is a time when Christians prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, remember the time when he will come again and Think about what Jesus wants us to do to get ready to celebrate his birth
When does Advent Begin? Advent begins 4 Sundays before Christmas Day Look at your calendar - Lets work out when it will begin this year? (It begins on a different date every year) If Advent finishes on Christmas Eve how many days does it last this year?
What do we do in Advent? Let’s listen to their story We think about the story of Mary and Joseph Let’s listen to their story
We prepare to remember Jesus’ birth? One way is to use an Advent Wreath What does a candle remind us of? Can you guess why there are 4 candles on it?
The candles represent the 4 Sundays before Christmas The candles represent the 4 Sundays before Christmas. Each Sunday we light a candle so on the 4th Sunday they are all lit. Can you read the 4 words on the candles. Who do think brings us Hope, Love, Joy and Peace?
Another way is an Advent Calendar Advent Calendars are all different . Some have chocolate in or sweets! The idea is that each day before Christmas you open a door (or window) and inside you will find a message helping you get ready to prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
What message would you write behind the window?
Lets make a Christingle The word comes from the German word Christkindl which means Christ Child