River Dynasties in China Chapter 2 Section 4
Loess The silt left behind by the Huang He River after a flood – helped to fertilize the soil.
Oracle Bones The First Chinese Writing. Started as a means for holy men to “talk” to the gods and ancestors. Written on Tortoise Shells and animal bones. Give window into life during Shang Times.
Mandate of Heaven The Divine Approval of a a just ruler. It is the law of Heaven The gods give their authority to the Emperor to rule China – but ONLY if they use that power wisely and rule justly – if not… The Mandate could be lost through rebellion.
Dynastic Cycle A Pattern of the Rise, rule, and fall of Chinese Dynasties.
Feudalism A system of government in which the King gives land or certain privileges to trusted officials who govern his lands. In exchange, these officials owed service (usually military) and loyalty to the king.
3. Between which two rivers is China’s heartland found? China’s Heartland (contains 90% of China’s good farmland) is located between the Huang He and Yangtze Rivers. Hearland - Why? Good soil from Yellow and Yangtze Rivers Yellow R. Yangtze River
4. What family obligations did a Chinese person have? The family obligations (the things that you had to do, that were expected of you) of a Chinese person were to respect and obey elders (older people), women were not seen as equal to men and had to obey male relatives (patriarchal society).
5. How is the Dynastic Cycle connected to the Mandate of Heaven? The Dynastic Cycle and the Mandate of Heaven are connected because the DC describes the rise and fall of dynasties and the M of H is the approval or blessing of the gods to rule. So… these ideas are connected because if a ruler did not rule wisely, the gods would take the M of H back and a new dynasty would rise (through war & rebellion, winner = have gods on side).
6. Benefits and Drawbacks of the group versus individual beliefs in China: Benefits of Group being #1 Strength in numbers Respect for elders Individuals expected to sacrifice for the greater good – can accomplish large group projects – like irrigation systems, dams, canals, walls. Drawbacks of Group being #1 Individual needs not important – no individual incentives for achievement. (greed is a powerful motivator to invent things and work hard). Few rights for women – China was a male dominated Patriarchal society.
7. How did social classes in Shang society differ from those in Egypt? In Shang society, the social classes were strict and you had only two, nobles and peasants with no mention of a middle class or the opportunity to move up in class. In Egypt there was a strong middle class which thrived in the cities and people could rise in status through marriage or education. Ex: Imhotep (Djoser’s step pyramid builder was of “humble” beginnings).
CLASS NOTES: CHINESE GOVERNMENT – KEY IDEAS I. China was ruled by an Emperor: 1 central ruler, Hereditary, w/ absolute power, creates a dynasty when rule passes to a son. The Emperor is called: “The Son of Heaven” – like in Mesopotamia the king had a link to the gods (Main Chinese god = Shangdi) Why do governments link themselves to the gods? ANS: b/c it is how a king/ruler justified their power!
II. Kingdom of China called “the Middle Kingdom” WHY? China was seen as the center of civilization. Everyone outside of its borders were looked upon as inferior. (called barbarians) Why did China see outsiders as inferior? Isolation – China had no contact with other Ancient Civilizations that were just as advanced. KEY WORD: Ethnocentrism: believing your culture is better than all others - everyone else is “backward, wrong, or barbaric.”
III. The Mandate of Heaven The “law” of heaven. States that the Emperor gets his power from the gods (heavens) but must rule wisely in order to keep the “mandate.” KEY WORD: Bureaucracy: a system of government workers, ranked - (some jobs had more power than others). an Emperor cannot run the empire alone so his “helpers” are government officials.
CHINA & The Dynastic Cycle What is a Dynasty? When power is handed down within a family – father to son (patriarchy) mother to daughter (matriarchy)
IV. The Dynastic Cycle & The Mandate of Heaven