Wednesday, October 3, 2018 Reading Log due tomorrow (60 mins requires, 90 mins extra credit) FINAL COPY of reflection due on Google Classroom by Sunday 10/7 at 11:59 PM. Collect ALWTW plot diagram today. One-pager due 10/15 (realistic fiction) Quiz tomorrow (figurative language definitions and examples from ALWTW) Bring figurative language notes chart tomorrow - I will be checking this for a grade!
Collect Plot Diagrams
Overdue Library Books
Go to Google Drive Sign in to Google Drive. Find your ALWTW reflection piece. Open this up and wait for further instructions.
Reflection Instructions Directions: You should have the pre-write and reflection completed from the water walk you experienced last week. Consider this a rough draft for a writing piece that you may include in your virtual backpack. You are going to open a Google Document, and write your pre-write and reflection in paragraph form. You are going to include an introduction paragraph that briefly explains what you're reading in ALWTW and how it relates to the activity you completed on Friday. Your reflection must have the following format requirements: 1. Title (Centered, 12-point font size) 2. Double Space 3. 12-point Font Size 4. Times New Roman Font 5. 1" Margins 6. Name, Date, Class Period in Upper Right Corner 7. Picture from Friday included at the end 8. AT LEAST 4 paragraphs (including introduction) ** One paragraph is 5-8 sentences. Check for errors in spelling, capitalization, word usage, punctuation, and grammar! You only want your BEST pieces submitted to your virtual backpack. I have attached photos from Friday's activity. Choose ONE photo from your French class period, and include that picture at the end of your reflection.
Things to Remember Don’t say “Last Friday” or “Last Week” in your reflection. Either do NOT include the timing OR include the date (i.e. “On Friday, September 21, 2018, we did…”) Do you have a photo at the end? EVERYTHING is double-spaced, size 12, and Times New Roman. You should NOT have “ALWTW” anywhere in your reflection. Write out the entire title of the novel. Include the author the first time you mention the novel in your paragraphs. Underline the title of the book when you mention it in your paragraphs. The title of your reflection should NOT be underlined, bolded, etc.
10 minutes Double check your work. Correct ANY mistakes (i.e. formatting, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, including a photo, etc.) Ms. Overton will come around and ask you to print your reflection.
Pass Out Partner Activity Put your name at the top. You will have 10 minutes with each partner (3 partners total). When you get to your partner, swap reflections. Read your partner’s reflection silently. Give feedback on your partner’s paper. Discuss the feedback. You AND your partner may write on the reflection.
Assignment: Go to Google Classroom FINAL copy due Sunday at 11:59 PM - Turn in on Google Classroom Internet and computer issues will NOT be accepted as excuses for not turning this in on time. You can always stay after school with me tomorrow to complete this OR go to the public library. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure this piece is your best work so that you’ll feel confident to include it in your virtual backpack. I’m here to help with anything you need!
Hold up your ALWTW novel for a participation grade!