Absolute Rulers Profile & Comparison
Absolute Rulers Profile & Comparison Each student will be assigned a partner. Each student will choose an Absolute Ruler to research. Each pair must choose absolute rulers from two different countries. Each student will complete the profile of their ruler in the shared Google Slides presentation. After completing the profile, each student will complete a one-page typed comparison of the two Absolute Rulers researched by the pair.
Absolute Rulers Shah Abbas the Great (Persia) Henry VIII (England) Sultan Suleiman (Ottoman) Jahangir (India) Akbar the Great (India) Maria Theresa (Austria) Frederick the Great (Prussia) Joseph II (Austria) Nicholas I (Russia) Catherine the Great (Russia) Peter the Great (Russia) Louis XVI (France) Louis XIV (France) Ivan IV (Russia) Oliver Cromwell (England) Henry VIII (England) Elizabeth I (England) James II (England) James I (England) Charles V (Holy Roman Empire) Philip II (Spain) Frederick William I (Prussia) Frederick William, the Great Elector (Prussia) William of Orange (England) Kublai Khan (Yuan Dynasty) Napoleon I (France) Gustavus Adolphus (Sweden)
Pair Information Student #1 ___________________________ (Student #1 will always will out the information on the left side of the presentation.) Absolute Ruler #1 Student #2 ___________________________ (Student #2 will always will out the information on the right side of the presentation.) Absolute Ruler #2
Absolute Ruler’s Information Name, nationality, birth and death date, ruling dates.
Absolute Ruler’s Accomplishments Important actions taken by the ruler during their time of rule.
Absolute Ruler’s Absolutism Examples of the ruler’s absolutist rule.
Absolute Ruler’s Society How did important events of the rulers time in office affect their county’s society?
Absolute Ruler’s Politics How did important events of the rulers time in office affect their county’s government?
Absolute Ruler’s Objective Statement One sentence statement summarizing their most important moment, action, or accomplishment that summarizes the kind of ruler they were during their reign.
Source Information List the sources used for information.
Comparison directions Compare the pair’s social and political policies, which was more absolute? Why do you think this? Be sure to give specific evidence. Requirements: One half page minimum, one-page maximum 12 pt font, times new roman, double spaced Explain how one of the two rulers is more absolute than the other. Use the information your partner provided. If you must use other sources, include these source citations in your comparison. Make a case for why the leader you chose is more absolute than the other leader. Submit this comparison in you own Google document. Do not add it to the presentation.